Chapter 6.5: Christmas in the Black Sword Unit

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"Guhhhh! OH, I GIVE UP!" An Eagle Union ship became to throw a tantrum after slipping on the ice and falling onto Yukikaze's back. "Teach us how to skate and handle this, none of us can go anywhere and you're just watching us like a bunch of meanies!!"

The Maple shipgirls near them immediately stopped walking over to them, Glace Bay being one of them helping the Eagle girl up as HMCS Nootka in her green uniform with silver rectangular patches along the sleeves, red tie, white necktie undershirt, silver belts like most Maple Monarchy ships and dark black hair with circular white patches at the top of the head. Short fluffy twintails that were tied together by two Canadian flagged harities helped Yukikaze help with the balance.

"I, Yukikaze the Great thanks you for your help..." Yukikaze announced proudly as Nootka helped her up but stopped trying to think of the Maple's name.

"It's Nootka, HMCS Nootka of the Tribal-Class Destroyers."

"Ah well, thank you for your help Nootka. And you should be grateful that the Great Yukikaze is praising..." Her voice turned from confident to despair as fear. Nootka was currently looking at her with murderous eyes tilting her head slowly to the right in a creepy and fearsome manner.

"Could you finish your sentence?" Nootka had so much hostility in her voice, other shipgirls excluding Maple ships were backing away from the scene or standing there frozen.

"I-I-I think...I-I'll pass..."

"Good choice," Nootka stated as her hostilities slowly faded and her position and facial expression seemed friendly like before. "Now then, anyone who wants to learn how to skate, make a line near Wakesiu."

"Heyo everyone, over here!" Wakesiu jumped raising her right arm and waving it in the air as shipgirls began to slowly form a line and evade slipping. Some almost did but the Maple girls were already ahead of that, they were patrolling the line helping anyone who was about to lose balance.

Most Ironblood and Sakuran ships were pretty hesitant with the Maple girls' attitude. One of these reasons was because they laughed off the cold wearing the same uniform as before in the summer while all or most including the Royals and Union were wearing winter coats. The second reason was their attitude, it wasn't a surprise that Maples are extremely friendly and polite, they would apologize to you if they stood in your way by mistake or bumped into you. The other shipgirls had a relationship problem when it came to that. But most of all out of all of those reasons, it was the attitude, that attitude scares them. Months ago while they were still at war, Maple ships were ruthless, they didn't spare a single foe in their hands, from the Battle of the Atlantic to the Pacific Front, it was all out of hell. Filled with the desire for German, Italian, Japanese, and Axis French blood, they tore through anything that stood in their way, no one wanted to piss them off but they soon came to realize, they only treat their foes that way.

A Sakuran shipgirl was shivering in line being unable to handle the cold despite wearing a coat, "W-why i-is...i-i-it so so so c-cold..." She mumbled putting her hands together in an attempt to stay warm.

Her answer was answered by a Maple girl that was passing by, "Oh, you'll get used to it! Here, have a hot chocolate!"

The Maple girl warmly gave a smile and some nice hot chocolate with marshmallows inside to the freezing Sakuran who gave a polite nod as she took a sip.

"Ahhh...that's nice..." She sighed giving a warm smile to the air as the heat embraced her body slowly warming her up. Her thoughts ended soon as she remembered an important thought, 'But I still don't understand why they're so nice to us even though we were trying to kill each other...'

Behind her, an Ironblood and Sakuran were already discussing that question. "These Maple girls and their kindness are...creeping me out..." The Ironblood said looking around to see a bunch of jolly Maple girls giving no free care in the world to live.

I will die in the dark to finish what we couldn't do.."Contain The Bismarck"Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum