Chapter 70- Cabin

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    Warm. Surprisingly, it was warm.

     As she shifted in place, Valeria felt a soft cushion and on her, a plush blanket— a far cry from wherever in Isilynor she just was. The crackling of a fireplace resonated around her. Slowly, her vision began to return. With a few blinks, she could see everything clearly.

     Pulling herself up, letting out a laborious, harsh breath, wincing as the pain in her stomach stabbed through her, it seemed that she was in a cabin of some kind. But where was she? Just how long had she been unconscious?

      Just then, the door clicked open, and the person gingerly pushing it was trying to make as little noise as possible. From it emerged a woman. Her hair was long and dark and her skin pale. Her body was slim and toned, but from her figure, Valeria anticipated that she had some back pain and probably didn't enjoy running as much as some other women. In her hands was a steaming bowl of soup.

     "Ah, you're awake," the woman said with a smile, setting down the tray on the nightstand. "Do you feel like eating?"

     "Um, maybe," Valeria answered, slightly dazed, somehow already convinced that this woman didn't mean her any harm. Somehow, she seemed familiar, and Valeria was compelled to trust her. "But I'm really thirsty."

     "I left some water there for you," she gestured with her slender hand, long nails at the end of her fingertips.

     Valeria didn't say a word and whipped her head in the direction the woman pointed and grabbed the cup, then gulped down every last drop. Realizing what she just did, Valeria, a little sheepish, slowly lowered her hand, wiping her mouth.

     "Sorry," she apologized.

     "No worries," the woman reassured her, sitting down beside her on the bed.

     For a few moments, the two sat in silence. The mystery woman simply looked at Valeria, her long lashes fluttering as she blinked. It seemed she was waiting for Valeria to say the first words.

     "Um, who are you?" Valeria awkwardly asked.

     "My name is Nari," she replied softly. "I'm from Eun-gang."

     "I'm Valeria," Valeria slowly answered, straightening her posture. "Why did you help me?"

     Surely, she was the one who owned the cart that she had stumbled into earlier back in Isilynor, but why was she so open to letting Valeria stay at her home?

     "You see a disheveled woman with clothes that hardly fit her in the back of your wagon, you can't just leave her there," Nari scooted a bit closer to Valeria, "I only did what I hoped others would do for me."

    "That makes sense," Valeria nodded.


     "I'll take that soup now," Valeria, a little embarrassed at the sound of her stomach, requested.

    "Of course," Nari giggled, handing the tray over to her. "In the meantime, I'll get you some more water."

     Valeria nodded as she began to eat the soup. It certainly had a kick to it, but Valeria always welcomed a bit of spice. She didn't have time to process it, but there seemed to be pork, tofu, and kimchi in it as well. The hot broth flowed through her body, warming up every corner.

     Yummy... Valeria thought as she practically inhaled all that sat in front of her.

     Soon enough, Nari returned with another glass of water and a napkin. Valeria began to chuckle, as did Nari. The stew was dripping off of Valeria's chin, staining her face red.

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