Chapter Twenty One

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I turn around slowly to find a music box on the floor that I didn't notice previously. That, or it wasn't there when we first came here. I nudge Ian to get his attention.

"Is it just me, or was that thing there before?" I ask.

"I didn't see it earlier." He puts a finger to his chin. "Who could have winded it up in the first place?" I remember the door opening and the sound of someone walking across the room. Maybe it happened then. Or was it something else entirely? I make eye contact with Ian and shake my head. I don't know, I seem to say.

"Right." He rubs his hands together like he's trying to refocus himself. "I'm gonna check this thing out." Slowly making his way over to the music box, he tentatively reaches a hand out to touch it. The second Ian's hand meets the smooth wood, the music stops. When he takes his hand off, it starts again.

He looks at me, putting his hand back on the strange object. When the music stops, a grin slowly spreads across his face. I can predict what happens next a few seconds before he starts lifting his hand. The music echoes in the small room, turning on and off as he plays with the seemingly haunted music box. I internally facepalm, but can't help the laugh that escapes my lips. A few more moments pass before he picks the wooden box off the floor and places it on the couch.

"You done yet?" I tease. He puts his hands on his hips and nods. I smile before turning my attention back to the object on the couch. I notice that the song flowing from it sounds vaguely familiar. I can't remember where I've heard it, but Ian certainly does. He starts humming along and tapping his foot.

"I thought I was going crazy, but apparently you recognize it too." I sigh, frustrated that I can't think of the words to the song.

"Of course I do, my family always plays this song at Halloween time. Everyone knows it." he replies. I think harder, still not remembering the lyrics.

"Seriously? Drawing a blank?" The boy in front of me tilts his head slightly. "Maybe I can help with that." Before I know what's going on, Ian takes my arm and spins me around. I gasp slightly, grabbing his other arm to steady myself.

"Never danced before?" I shake my head. He smirks. "It's easy. Just do what I do." He places one hand on my waist, taking my other hand in his. I try to fight the blush rising to my cheeks. I've never been this close to a guy before and I'm a bit nervous. He notices that I don't know what to do with my other hand and lets go of my waist for a second to place it on his shoulder.

"There," he says, pausing for a moment to listen to the music. When Ian takes a step sideways, I follow him, watching my feet to make sure I don't step on him. They form a box with Ian's as we glide across the floor.

I didn't think of this song as one to waltz to, but that's exactly what we're doing. Ian starts humming again and dips me through the air. I laugh a bit at the unexpected feeling and he smiles. He treats me delicately, like I'm made of glass. I never thought I'd dance today, but even so, I'm having fun. More than I thought I would. Ian spins me again, and I don't freak out this time.

"There you go! You're getting it." He tells me. The smiles never leave our faces. Suddenly, Ian leans forward and whispers in my ear.

"I always feel like, somebody's watching me." At first, I'm taken aback by his quiet singing, but then I realize those are the words to the song. He keeps going when I don't say anything. "And I have no privacy. I always feel like, somebody's watching me."

I join in before I can change my mind. "Tell me is it just a dream?" His grin grows wider when he hears me. We continue singing and dancing for I don't know how long. The song never changes, but I don't get tired of it.

It happens so quickly I almost miss it. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a shadow. It's only for a split second, but it makes me start overthinking things. I mean, we're in a creepy house listening to a song with the lyrics, "somebody's watching me." Why would Cronan put us in a place like this? In this exact situation?

Realization dawns on me and I look around the room frantically. The floor maybe? I can't see anything there yet, but that doesn't stop me from worrying. I look up next, scaling the walls up to the-

The ceiling. I breathe in, quickly and sharply. There. In the corner of the ceiling, there's a figure in a blood-red gown. The gown is tattered and muddy, with random holes in it. Its hair is covering its eyes, just like in the horror movie Ring. The creepiest thing though is that it seems to be staring straight at us.

"Ian," I say, my voice barely above a whisper. "When I say run, make a bolt for it."


"Just trust me. If you really want to see it, carefully turn us around and look in the top left corner of the ceiling." He looks at me quizzically. Spinning me around one last time, he shifts around me, changing our positions. He makes it look natural. My back is now to the creepy figure and he is the one facing it.

I watch his face as he glances quickly to the side, his eyes barely betraying any movement. Somehow he manages to keep a blank face, eyes locking with mine. He gives me the smallest of nods, letting me know he understands.

"Alright, ready?" I say in hushed tones. He nods again.


Ian grabs my hand, pulling me behind him as we run like lightning. He yanks open the door, passing through it quickly. As I leave the doorway I hear a screech behind me. I look back, and to my horror I see the creature crawling toward us.


"I know."

We do the only thing we can do. We keep running.

Word Count: 1071

That's a bigger number than I usually get 0-0

I put a little dancy-dance this time. I've never written scenes like this before, so if you see anything that has room for improvement, let me know in the comments!

-RS <3

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