Chapter Eight

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I balance on top of the fence. I never questioned my ability to do this, only holding onto the fact that I'd been doing it for years. Swinging my leg over the side, I let myself fall into the soft grass below. I silently creep along the edge of my house, coming to a stop below my windowsill.

After a long, argumentative discussion with Ian, Audrey, Zero, we all decided that it would be best if we each gathered supplies we'd need from our houses. We couldn't have known each other for more than a few hours, but Zero seems to have naturally taken the lead of our little group.

"We'll need to rendezvous at around one in the morning. That way we still have as much time as we need to get things ready." he had said. None of us questioned it. Actually, we all seemed relieved that someone decided to take charge.

I place my hand on the cold glass window, closing my eyes and picturing myself inside my room. When I open them again, I'm standing by my queen-sized bed. I look around this place that I'd called home for fourteen years. Would I ever get to see it again?

Tch, Merle, no time to get sentimental. I chide myself. There are more important things to do, after all. Without further delay I set to work gathering extra pairs of clothes, shoes, and other essentials. When I've finished with that I start making my way to the kitchen for some snacks, water bottles, and a medical kit.

The glint of a knife catches my eye, and I decide to take it with me. You know, just in case another lunatic monster-teacher attacks us. I bring all the supplies back to my room. When I get there, what I see almost makes me drop everything I'm carrying.

"Could it be?" my mom asks my dad when she sees me standing in the doorway.

"I think our little bird is finally leaving the nest." he replies with a sad smile. They've been using that nickname for as long as I can remember.

"Mom, dad, I can explain-"

"We know sweetheart." Mom walks towards me and puts her hand on my shoulder. "We're sorry we didn't tell you before, we thought it would protect you." she says to me.

"The world out there is a dangerous place, Merle, and we wanted to keep you safe for as long as we possibly could." my dad adds, coming to stand beside my mom.

"Is it really true?" I ask. My eyes fill with tears before I can stop them. "Everything they said, is it true?" My mom silently nods. I tackle both my parents in a hug. I'm scared, so scared, but who knows what might happen if I don't go on this quest?

"We'll be right here-" my dad pokes my head, "and here." he points to my chest. "We won't forget you and you won't forget us. We're a family, after all."

"See you again soon, little bird. Don't forget to brush your teeth every morning." My mom cups my cheek. I smile tearfully at them both.

"I love you mom. I love you dad." I choke out.

"We love you too, sweetheart."

After another giant bear hug and some help fixing up supplies, I'm on my way to the front door. I pause to adjust the straps on my backpack before I look back and wave to the people who raised me.

As I get to the first street lamp I turn back one more time. The last thing I see of my parents is my dad holding on tightly to my mom while she sobs in his arms.

Word count: 620

Hope this chapter struck a chord with you. My goal is to make the readers feel what the characters do. Please make comments about what you thought!

-RS <3

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