Chapter Five

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The morning started off normal enough. Ms. Robin gave us a lecture on complete subjects and predicates as we scrambled to take notes. After 20 minutes of writing everybody's hands were sore.

"Alright students! This wraps up the lesson for today. Now, I want you all to get in groups of four. We're going to be reviewing everything we've learned so far."

I look around the room trying to find someone. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ian waving at me, trying to get my attention. "Over here," he mouthed to me.

I turned to pick up my backpack. As I start to move I feel a tap on my shoulder. When I turn around I see Audrey, the redheaded girl from before.
"Want to be in a group?" she asks me. I tell her that I would love to and then ask if she is okay with being in a group with Ian.

"Sounds great!" she responds. We start making our way in Ian's direction.

"Oh!" Ms. Robin exclaims. "I almost forgot! Ian, Merle, Audrey, and Zero; I would like all of you to join me outside in the hallway." she gestured to the door. I find it odd that she remembered all of our names so quickly. Sighing, I walk towards her, the others close behind. When we all make it through the doorway Ms. Robin shuts the door with a ceremonious clink.

When our teacher turns to face us, Audrey begins tapping her foot, Ian's smile turns into a frown, and Zero crosses his arms with a blank face. I don't understand why they look so on guard. Ms. Robin grins widely at us.

"I've been waiting ever so long for you four to show up! I almost lost hope when Audrey here was running late." she points to the girl.

I'm staring at her, dumbfounded, when Zero speaks up from behind us. "How long have you been searching?" the white-haired boy asks casually.

"Oh, my young seer, for years I've been looking for you." I freeze at the word 'seer.' I haven't heard that word since I was five.

"But in time you realized that the best option would be to wait for us to come to you? That's what the other guy said." As Zero is talking he slowly takes off a small ring on his finger. It's so tiny that I never noticed it before. It fades from white to black.

"The other guy?" Ms. Robin looked confused.

"The other guy that I destroyed." The ring is now twirling between Zero's fingers. "You know, the other morphi."

Ms. Robin was now glowering at him. "You would dare to kill one of my kind?"

Zero smirks. "Looks like I'm not the only bold one here."

"Obviously not; this maniac of a teacher would have to be nuts to want to mess with us!" I see a flash of light to my right and I turn to meet Ian, who is now holding flames that are as blue as his eyes.

I hear a sound like a blade being drawn, and as I risk a glance I see Audrey holding cards between her fingers. They are as sharp as a knife. "Well said," she gloated smugly.

Zero throws his ring up. As it spins in the air it gets larger, changing in shape. When it lands back in his hand, Zero is holding a black and white double-sided scythe.

"We won't go down without a fight," he said with a crazed smile. My three peers assume a fighting stance. Our "teacher" is now in front of us cackling like a maniac. I watch as her teeth change length, her eyes change color, and she grows in size.

"No matter!" the creature says gleefully. "I will now take you to him. Be good little children and come to me willingly!" I gape at the scene around me. So much for no incidents.

Word count: 649

I swear, sometimes this story writes itself.


-RS <3

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