Chapter Four

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I just barely made it in time. Thanks to Ian's help I was able to locate my first class, which he shared with me. I chose an empty desk at the very back of the room, beside a kid with glasses. I could feel everyone's eyes on me when I sat down.

"Ahem," the teacher cleared her throat. All the students averted their eyes to the woman standing at the front of the classroom. She was a petite young woman with short cropped brown hair. She wore a blood-red skirt to match the red lipstick she had on and a milky white shirt to tie the outfit together.

"My name is Ms. Robin and I will be your English teacher for the year. Nice to meet you all." We all watched as she pulled out the attendance sheet.

"Rebecca Abbot."

"Present." a girl with wavy black hair said boredly.

"Ian Axel."

"Here!" Ian shot his hand into the air.

"Brian Cook." The kid beside me quietly raised his hand. "Here."

"Savannah Campell."

"Present," a girl towards the front of the room responded.

I soon zoned out as the teacher continued to call the roll. Before I knew it, she had said my name.
"Merle Raven."
I straightened up in my seat. "I'm here."

The teacher took a long look at me. "What a peculiar name," she said.

I nodded at her. "It means-"
"Blackbird. Yes, I know." she smiled sweetly at me before turning back to the sheet in front of her. "Now, let's see...Zero Xanthos."


I follow the voice and find a tall boy wearing a dark black hoodie to the far right of the room. His hair is as white as snow but I can't tell if it's natural or if he dyed it.

Seconds later a girl about my height bursts into the room. "Sorry I'm late!" she cries as she rushes inside. She drops her bags by the only seat left; the one next to me. She pushes her long, strawberry-blonde hair out of the way while she gathers her things.

"So then you must be..." Ms. Robin checks her clipboard. "Audrey Montgomery."

"Yes ma'am," Audrey replies looking embarrassed.

"So, you're all here then!" Ms. Robin claps her hands together excitedly.

An innocent enough statement in and of itself. But with the hungry gleam in our teacher's eyes, I can't help but wonder what exactly she had meant.

Word count: 389

SKetChy teacher :0

-RS <3

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