Chapter Thirteen

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Just a heads up! This chapter is a bit longer than the ones I usually write, mainly because I got excited. Enjoy!

Walking into the Whispering Woods is like walking into a boggy sauna. The grounds are marshy with muddy water in random places, and the fog settling over us is so thick we can barely see. The air is hot and humid, and the bugs flying around us are super annoying. Ian squashes one in between his fingers.

"This place is gross," Audrey mutters, disgust written all over her face. Ian and I nod, while Zero absentmindedly runs his hand along the bark of a tree.

"These trees are ancient." he suddenly says. "I don't get how their life forces are still so strong."

I'd noticed being able to sense someone's life force a couple of times before. It's almost like a pulsing glow. The weaker the living thing is, the duller the glow gets. I had figured being able to sense that was a seer ability. I make my way towards Zero, coming to stand by his side. Out of curiosity, I place my hand on the tree as well.

"Woah." I remark. "Zero wasn't lying. These trees feel like they're dying, but it's almost like they've been dying for a while now."

"A while? Probably like a few thousand years!"

"Uh, guys? We shouldn't get too far off the trail." Audrey nervously tells us. "I don't want anyone dying today." I quickly jump away from the tree and back onto the path. Was this one of the forests' tricks? I had almost completely forgotten what we came here for.

"I think we need to be more careful from now on." Zero cautiously creeps back to his place beside Ian. He didn't have to tell us twice.

We start making our way down the path that goes farther into the Whispering Woods; the one that's almost completely overgrown with leaves and roots. It's silent other than the sounds of our feet crunching on the ground. I keep waiting for something to happen, for some voice to start speaking to us. But nothing randomly appears out of the trees. No voice suddenly begins calling our names.

Despite my best efforts, I begin to relax a bit. What if everything Zero said about this place is just a bunch of rumors? I mean, not that I would blame him. I look around at everyone else. So it isn't just me; they don't seem as tense as they were before.

"Look at those trees!" Ian points. I look in the direction his finger is indicating. There are two trees with gnarled trunks. They are curving down and inward, creating a crooked heart shape. We come to a standstill.
"Weird." Zero murmurs. "I've never seen anything like it."
"It's crazy how tempting it is to touch it." Audrey's eyes are wide.

"Maybe that's one way the forest is trying to lure us off the path." I offer.

"You're right. We should...probably go." We start moving along the path once more.


"What?" I ask, turning to Ian. The others look at me like I'm crazy.

"I didn't say anything," Ian says, looking confused.

"Neither did I," Zero adds. Audrey makes a motion with her fingers across her mouth, like a zipper is being dragged across it. I shrug.

"I'm hearing things. Maybe I'm going insane." I do some wiggly motions with my fingers, making the others smile.

"Hey, Merle."


More blank stares. "Okay guys, you can stop now. This isn't funny anymore."

"Nobody over here said anything," Audrey promises.

"Then who-" I cut myself off. "You know what? Let's just go. This place is freaky." The group nods in agreement. As we move slowly but efficiently through the trees, I start noticing more and more details about the place. There are dark purple flowers in the shape of tear drops scattered throughout the wood. The vines hanging from the practically dead trees are thicker than any other vines I've ever seen.

When my vision lowers I see a small branch on the ground in front of me. It has some shimmery blue stuff on it. Without thinking, I reach down to pick it up. I'm halfway there when Ian grabs my arm.

"We have no idea what that is, it could hurt you!" he says in a hushed tone. I look up to see that his eyes are painted with worry.

"You're right." I concede. "I'm sorry." Ian gives my arm a little squeeze before letting go. I start getting up from the crouching position I'm in.


I scream, jumping up. It's that voice again. Except this time it whispered right in my ear.

"It's not polite to ignore someone when they're talking to you."

"What's wrong?" Ian grabs my wrists. "Merle? Are you okay?"

"T-the voice!" I stutter. As I'm speaking I hear a chuckle.

"What voice?" Audrey asks me. She looks afraid now too.

"It was in my ear!" Everyone is surrounding me now, watching me freak out. They seem worried, but I can't help it. Not when whoever spoke was so close to me; so close they could be right next to me.

"The voice that said my name! It-"

"Merle." I tense up as shivers run down my spine.

"There it is again!" I try to cover my ears, but Ian grips my arms tighter.

"Listen to me when I'm talking to you!" I flinch. It was slightly louder this time. I could sense a threat masked behind its words. The voice pauses to wait, wondering if I'll say anything else.

"Merle!" Zero waves his hand in front of my face. I keep my mouth shut.

"Much better. Now, on to business. I've waited such a long time to see you. I've been watching you, you know." I'm vaguely aware of Ian shaking me. Audrey and Zero are shouting my name, but it sounds muffled as if the voice was the only reality. It's like I'm watching a dream.

"There are things you don't know child, things that I could teach you if you would only listen. Things about who you are, what you can do...I could even tell you where Olek is."

"I don't want to listen to you, I'm pretty sure you're lying, and I don't even know who Olek is!" I shout back. This voice is annoying, that's for sure. I open my eyes. I didn't even know they were shut. I can see Audrey snapping in front of my face, except she's just a blurry mirage.

"My, my, we have a temper I see." it chided. "I'm not lying. Why would I lie? I have no reason to. As for Olek- why, he's your First! I would have expected you to know that, but as I feared, you are still ignorant to facts."

That got my attention. "The ogre? He's the ogre?"

"Yes, he is indeed. Are you ready to listen now?" What scares me the most is that I'm actually considering this. I've wanted answers ever since I was told that I was a seer. I've also wanted to see the ogre again. If I can find him, maybe I can finally understand what's happening to me. I look at my frenzied friends. Even that takes a lot of effort. My muscles feel like they're being weighed down by something. Please don't worry about me too much. I think. Taking a deep breath, I decide that I'll take my chances.

"Yes." I reply.

Something must've happened to my face because Audrey and Ian go pale. Zero stares at me, his mouth gaping. What's wrong? I want to ask. But I can't. I can't speak, I can't move, and when I realize that my whole body is growing numb I start to panic.

Then my ears let out a pop and I sink into darkness. 

Word Count: 1309 

That's a big number 0-0

Told you there'd be drama. Hope you liked it. I had fun writing this chapter for some reason. 

-RS <3

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