"ok! fine, you got me... but, I don't like him like how I used to... it's just slightly and I don't think it will last longer, so I turned minho hyung down"

"are you kidding me? gurl... you call that slightly? I don't think barging into my room, at 3am, ramming about minho hyung in every way possible" 

"oh shut up, even so... I wouldn't think our fans will be happy about me and minho hyung, you know how their minsung shippers are. they're gonna me mad"

"so? your happiness comes first dude..."

"yea, but I want my feelings to go away, I don't know how it returned but I know that I did stop liking him and all of the sudden it's back?! I'm so confused at myself" 

"it's because you're in love, my friend, it can't be help"

"now... you aren't planning on ignoring minho hyung, right?"

"you see... now that you've mention it, I kinda was planning it..." seungmin scratch his neck, embarrassed at what he just confessed. he also felt guilty.


"I'm sorry! I don't know what to do, because if I do talk to him then it will be awkward"

"he's been your best friend since forever, you can't just ignore him"

"I feel like suck a player"

"as you should bitch"

"aren't you supposed to be on my side?"

"nah... I ain't with you on this one"

"you're the worst. I hate you"

"you love me"

"bitch- my love for you is as tiny and small as your dick"

"that's not what you said when you were screaming my name last nigh" hyunjin teasing winked at the younger

"oh, god. stop." 

they both joked and giggled with each other, until it was time for seungmin to return to his dorm

~ ~ ~

seungmin entered the door, it was still early so everyone is still awake. seungmin walked around, when he spotted minho in the kitchen, maybe making dinner for them. he walked inside because he was hungry and wanted to grab at least a banana

minho saw seungmin walking inside the kitchen and looking around to find something to eat 'he didn't even say 'hi' to me. if I knew that it would outcome like this I wouldn't have said anything. I don't want seungmin to ignore me... but of course knowing my best friend, he will so anything with is his will power to do so' minho thought to himself... feeling even more down, if that's possible 

~ 3  d a y s  l a t e r ~

minho got out of practice much more late than anyone else. he stayed and danced to get his mind off seungmin, no matter how hard he tries he just can't seem to do it.

he entered the house, first thing he wanted to do is grab a glass of water. 

he saw an angel, he saw seungmin with his head down and a paper in hand. he took a look at the paper and it's a lyric sheet. 'he must be so tired, why is he here' minho couldn't help but stare at the younger, he look so beautiful in minho's eyes, he couldn't seem to take his eyes of the puppy. he placed his hand on the youngers head, caresses it with so much love and gentleness. the younger did flinch a little due to the touch but he ignored it

minho slowly looked down at seungmin's lips and he knows it's wrong for him to do it but he pecked seungmin's lips softly... he couldn't help it. it just looked too beautiful and soft not to kiss

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