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"chan hyung?"

"yes seungmin?"

"is there something wrong? you've been very off lately..."

"how come? what do you mean?" chan doesn't really get what they were trying to say.... so let's say that he's more confuse than ever

"first of all you never ever leave your studio anymore and let's just say that jeongin is getting affected with your actions and your doing so... what's up? what's the matter?" sseungmin asked with full concern 

"well I've just been very busy with our come back lately and It's putting me in a lot of pressure" 

"well I know we have been stress lately but you should really talk to jeongin. he has been lacking attention from you making him all drowsy and sad so please go talk to him... he hasn't come out of his room all day he hasn't even eaten yet and it's already 8 PM"

"ok thanks seungmin I'll go talk to him" 

Chan got up and grab his phone and car keys. he had decided to jeongin food first because seungmin said he hasn't eaten all day because of me now I fell really bad 


chan was finally back, he just ordered a box of chicken and drinks with some sides to go along with his chicken. he started to climb up the stairs to jeongin's room and knocked on the door

"SEUNGMIN HYUNG PLEASE GO AWAY JUST LEAVE ME ALONG" chan didn't know what to say at this point

"jeongin can you open up please?"

jeongin heard his chan hyung's voice and instantly perked up, ran to the door and open it in a flash 

"HYUNGGGGG" jeongin jumped on chan as soon as he saw chan 

"oof- wh- how are you innie"

"hyunggggggg" jeongin started to whine/sob

"why are you crying? awwww shhhh stop crying" chan started caressing jeongin's back out of comfort 

"I'VE MISS YOU HYUNG YOU NEVER COME OUT OF THERE ANYMORE" jeongin started it hit chan on his chest but it didn't hurt him don't worry

"I know I'm sorry innie I promise to spend more time with you started from now on" chan hugged jeongin tighter assuring jeongin that his willing to keep his promise this time 

"are you sure? last time you said that it wasn't true. you broke your promise last time"

"yes I promise.... now come on I bought you chicken because your seungmin hyung was worried you weren't eating nor coming out your room... after that we sleep... I'll sleep next to you I promise

"please don't leave me channie hyung"

"I promise I really promise I won't" jeongin grip on chan tighter"

"I love you very much jeonginnie"

"I love you too channie hyung"

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