2min part 3

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 "where is he?" Minho has been waiting for seungmin for about 20 minutes now and no sign or anything of seungmin 

"it's almost time for the first sub and seungmiin hasn't been seen... I wonder if something happened" Minho stood up and headed to his first class 'cause he doesn't wanna be late, waiting for seungmin


minho wasn't sure if he could sit with seungmin today, yes he does bully seungmin but for a reason. and minho knows it him self that it wasn't a good reason to bully, and he has to agree that he sees him self as a bad person for it. he felt really bad for bullying seungmin but he has to get seungmin's attention all for him self. he doesn't want seungmin's attention going into other guys

surprisingly seungmin was gonna sit with them, they didn't expect seungmin to sit with them.  

"seungmin" minho called for the younger. the younger just looked up at the older with a questioned look 

"can we talk? in private please"

"ok..." seungmin said in tiny. 

minho grab seungmin, leading them to a clean, abandoned looking classroom

"why hyung?" 

"..." seungmin started to get nervous because minho was slowly walking towards him and seungmin started backing up until he reached a wall, minho pinned seungmin to the wall. minho placed his left hand on seungmin's waist with his other hand on the wall behind seungmin

"why didn't you bring me lunch earlier, I was waiting for you" minho pouted cutely at the younger

it confused seungmin why minho was acting like this considering he was seungmin's bully

"why... why are you acting like this hyung?"

"answer my question first"

"I'm sorry but I heard you talk to jisung yesterday, at the library, I'm sorry because I've eaves drop but It hurts my feelings that you called me weird and my lunches and I thought that you weren't eating them that's why I didn't made you one . I thought jisung hyung was the one you like, I didn't bother pushing my self onto you anymore" seungmin said as tears started to pool his eyes, he looked down because he doesn't want minho to see him crying

"oh baby... I never liked jisung. I like you." minho made seungmin look at him forcefully, cooing at the crying seungmin

"please don't play with my feelings hyung. I know you don't like me, you bully me" seungmin said as he tried getting out of minho's grip, no use, the older was too strong for him

"minnie... wanna know the reason why I bully you? because I want your attention all for myself and I don't know how will I do it because I am not good at expressing my feelings to people I like, hence why I bully you instead. I love you, kim seungmin with all my heart" he felt like a huge boulder was lifted off him when he finally told the younger his true feeling.

"hyung, please don't break my heart. I like you too hyung... I was too scared to tell you because I thought you hated me. you always hurt me"

"I know, I'm so sorry baby" minho pulled seungmin into a sweet, tender hug. the younger wrap his arms around minho while minho wrapped his around the younger's waist

they stayed like that for a few minutes and thought that maybe they should start heading baco, not wanting their friends to worry

~ ~ ~

"finally. where have you two bee-" jisung stopped mid sentence when he saw the two's hands claps together

" *GASP* YOU FINALLY HAB THE BALLS TO TELL HIM?!" jisung saw as he squeal


"by the way hyung, I forgot to ask. what were you and jisung talking about at the library"

"oh... I was asking jisung to help me with how to ask you out..." minho rub the back of his neck in shame, he was embarrass

seungmin just hugged his hyung again, happy that he can call the older his now.

"this is too cute not to take a picture of" seungmin pulled his head from minho's neck and saw that everyone was taking a picture of them

"stop~~~" seungmin whined burying his head deeper in minho's neck , feeling more embarrass

"you're so cute minnie" minho cooed once again

"make them stop hyung" it was a bit mumble because of the position they were in

"guys, my minnie said to stop, if you don't stop I will make you all sleep with one eye open tonight."

everyone soon stopped, feeling threatened

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