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seungmin really likes minho and he really wants to confess, but he doesn't know how to.

straykids just got done filming and are about to go home 

"hey, minho hyung?" seungmin called out for minho, finally having enough courage to confess

"what?" minho said with his back facing seungmin because he was still packing his stuff, as they are getting ready to go home

"can I talk to you for a minute? it'll be quick, I promise you" 

seungmin led the way out, heading towards the park, thinking to was the best place to confess in

"make it quick seungmin, I'm really tired" minho just wanted to go home and seungmin completely understand, seungmin sat down on one of the benches and is getting ready to confess

"sit down hyung" seungmin offered while smiling 

"I'm good, just get to the point already" minho said as he rolls his eyes. seungmin smiles drops, feeling down that he can sense that minho doesn't want to talk to him any longer

"ok... so minho hyung, I like you, a lot- no scratch that, I love you minho hyung. I've been feeling this way for a long time now and I figured, maybe it was the right time to tell you this." seungmin felt great that he gets to release his feelings now having good hopes and feeling that minho will like him back

but oh lord was he wrong


minho said as he looks down at seungmin with a poker face 


"you're confessing to know my answer right? my answer is no, I don't like you like that seungmin, heck I don't even like you as a friend. what makes you think I will say yes?" 


minho's words were too harsh for seungmin to handle

"I just though maybe... we could give it a try" seungmin now has lost hope, feeling so small as minho looks down at him like that

seungmin just wants to run home and lock himself away from everything, almost forgetting the fact that he rooms with minho as well

"no. we can't seungmin, and to be honest with you... I kinda like jisung"

"I get it... I'm so stupid. let's just pretend this never happened and I'll stay away, I promise" seungmin slowly stood up and walked back to the building with minho following behind shortly after

they got back and saw everyone getting in the van

"come on guys, let's get going" seungmin looked inside and saw that only 2 available sits are right by each other, meaning he has to sit beside minho... couldn't this day end even worst

seungmin didn't have a choice but to sit down with minho... it's gonna be a long ride

minho soon got in the van, having no choice but to sit next to seungmin as well. everyone felt the intense aura around the two, not knowing what was going on with the them

when they got home, seungmin was the first one out. he ran to their shared bedroom and crashing down on his bed, feeling hot tears stream down his face

he wiped it off when he suddenly heard the door open

"hey min, chan hyung was asking what you wanted for dinner... we're ordering" it was jisung. great.

"no, not hungry"

"are you sure? I haven't seen you eat anything today"

"yes, I'm sure. now leave me alone" seungmin turned his back, now facing the wall

he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when he heard the door finally closed


seungmin was still crying. quietly, not knowing how to stop, he couldn't control it, he just lets it all out. 

he quickly composed himself up when he heard the door open

"seems like you're really tired seung" it was hyunjin

"yea..." he let out a horsed like voice because of all the crying he had done

"if you have a problem, you can always tell me or minho hyung, right, hyung?" seungmin's eyes widen not knowing that minho was in the room now too

"hmm" the two heard a small hum from minho 

"see? I told you minnie, minho hyung and I have your back"

seungmin wanted to laugh at hyunjin for not knowing anything


seungmin woke up first so he can get ready without facing minho. seungmin quickly hop in the shower and took a long nice shower

as he was about to close the door behind him he bump into a hard chest, seungmin looked up and luck not being on his side, it was minho. 

" 'm sorry" seungmin pushed past minho quickly, thinking that minho will let him go just like that

minho grab seungmin's wrist pulling him back


"why are you avoiding me?" 


"I mean... I did say yesterday that I'll be avoiding you now, right?" seungmin doesn't even know why minho was talking to him anyways

"look, seungmin, I was really tired yesterday, I didn't mean what I said when I told you I don't even like you as a friend. that was really stupid of me"

"but you're still rejecting me for like you romantically, right?" 

"I mean... I don't like you romantically seungmin, I'm sorry. I love you as my best friend only" 

"hm... I get it now. you can let go now" seungmin just wants to get away from minho

"I won't let you go until you agree to not ignore me for rejecting you" 

for minho it was immature that seungmin is ignoring him for turning him down. but for seungmin? it was a different story. he felt broken, useless, ugly, just everything negative is crashing down on him

"I want to move on hyung.... I can't keep on hurting myself for you. I want to forget you, I want you to be a stranger. please let me do that hyung"

"how can you possibly do that when we work together?" minho asked bitterly, still thinking that seungmin is immature 

"just let me go and stop talking to me" 

minho shoved seungmin away, now irritated

"fine... want me to ignore you, to not talk to you? be my fucking guest" minho walked into the bathroom, slamming the door making hyunjin wake up

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