seungjin >3<

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"go 'way" seungmin said with a low voice, not wanting to talk to anyone after his whole existence has been insulted like that

"can we talk, please?" hyunjin closed the door behind him quietly

"after what your girlfriend just did? absolutely... not"

"I know. I'm sorry for not standing up for you... they told me, seungmin" seungmin froze. how could they tell hyunjin just like that

"so? that doesn't change anything between us" 

hyunjin grabbed seungmin's head and made the boy look at him

"what if I told you that I had a crush on you before... and I'm willing to try to gain it all back, just to make you happy?"

"you would really do that for me? are you not weirded out by me wearing girl clothes?"

"not at all..." hyunjin pulled seungmin into a hug

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