4: Lose weight

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Think of her as Taehyung's mother.☝️


I was 10.

I was just 10 when I realized people will think of the word FAT when they see me.

Back then my father had to go on a business trip for the first time. He left us with our aunt since she was the only close family we had. I still remember the feeling I felt to this day.

She was smiling at me bitterly and telling me to lose some weight. Soo Ah and Baekhyun were giving me pity looks and I hated it, to say the least.

I never thought I will find myself in that situation again but here I was once again in a dining room in front of Taehyung's mother feeling that awful feeling again.

She eyed my body up and down in disbelief, "Are you Soo Jin?" she questioned with a hint of disbelief in her voice.

I nodded awkwardly. Praying she won't mention anything about my body.

"Have you tried to lose weight?" She was staring at me in disbelief.

I froze at my spot looking at the ground not uttering a single word. It took her a while to realize that I wasn't going to answer her.

"You should try to or it will get hard for you later on. You-" she was going to say something more but Mr. Kim held her hand and gave her the 'You should stop talking' look and turned to me.

"Why are you standing over there? Come and eat breakfast." he had that pitiful and sympathetic look in his eyes. The same goes for Taehyung.

Well, it would have been weird if everyone in the family was nice. I mean does she think that I don't think about that? I have been living in this body for 17 years now. And did she have to say that to a person she just met?

"Soo Jin." I was interrupted by Taehyung who was calling my name. "Sit down." he tapped the chair next to his.

I smiled weakly, "I'm ok. I will just go to school." I looked down not wanting them to see the defeated look in my eyes.

How do they even expect me to eat after all that she said?

"Why not? You didn't even eat dinner properly." Mr. Kim looked at me with a hint of worry in his voice.

It's not something I don't know. I know I'm fat more than anyone else. But I still get offended and self-conscious when people say it out loud. It's like rubbing salt in the wound.

"It's just that I'm not hungry. I will eat something at school if I get hungry." I tried my best to smile.

He sighed not believing me, "At least take some money with you." he took out his wallet.

I waved both my hands, "I have money, my dad gave it to me yesterday." I lied. "I will get going then." I bowed to them and turned around to leave.

"Wait for me. Let's go together." I looked at him in disbelief. Why would he even want to go to school with me? Did Mr. Kim tell him to go with me?

"Don't worry. I can go alone." he stood up from his seat and came closer to me.

"We're going to the same school so we might as well go together." he shrugged.

"Taehyung is right. Don't waste your money on transportation. Go with him." Mr. Kim added.

I could refuse that so I nodded my head in agreement.


We were sitting at the back of their Mercedes-Benz

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We were sitting at the back of their Mercedes-Benz. The car was filled with silence. But it was not uncomfortable.

My head was resting on the windows. I was looking out the window. But I wasn't seeing anything I was lost in my thoughts.

I was contemplating what Taehyung's mother has said. I know I'm fat. I'm fully aware of it. I don't like it and want to change it but for some reason, I just can't. I hate everything about me.

Anyone will take one glance at me and say it's all my fault. It's my lack of self-control. I have been saying that to myself every single day. But I just can't seem to be able to change it.

I was going in circles every day. I-

"Soo Jin." Taehyung tapped my hands and snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Y...Yes." I stuttered.

"What were you thinking about?" he tilted his head, "I have been calling your name for a while now." he stared at me curiously.

"I'm sorry. I didn't hear you." I looked at my hands. He must be annoyed by me.

"You don't have to say sorry." His voice was kinda taken aback. "I was just curious." he chuckled.

His chuckle was really cute. I couldn't help but smile.

"Aren't you going out?" He inquired. I lifted my head and saw that we were already in front of our school gate.

But what were we doing here? People will see us. And starting gossiping. Wasn't he ashamed to be seen with me? Or is it because the driver is here?

I glimpsed at his eyes for the first time to see if he was trying to tell me something but he just smiled sweetly at me. I couldn't say anything since the driver was there so I just got out of the car followed by Taehyung.

I bowed to the driver and he drove away.

Students started whispering as soon as they saw us. I squirmed uncomfortable from all the attention and fixed my eyes on the ground. I'm sure that people will start bad-mouthing. Well, it's not like they ever talk good things about me that is if they do talk.

"Should we go in?" He stretched his hands out in ladies' first manner.

I wanted to ask him why he was doing this. Was he trying to be nice? I opened my mouth to speak but closed it again.

"Taehyung-a" we heard someone shouting. We turned around to see Jimin running towards us while dragging Jungkook.

He stood in front of us. With 'Oh your here too look.'
"Give me five Chubs." he shouted gathering everyone's attention. He raised his hands up in the air.

I wanted to give him a five on his face but retained. I stiffly high-fived him. He smiled in satisfaction.

Jungkook nodded his at Taehyung while walking in completely ignoring my presence. I guess that's for the best.

"Wait for us." Jimin shouted while throwing his hands over mine and Taehyung's shoulder dragging us in the same manner he dragged Jungkook.

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