3:With you

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"What are you doing here?" I lifted my head to see to whom this familiar voice belonged to. That's when I saw them. Jungkook and his friends.

Before I could even think about the situation I am in. Another voice spoke, "She is going to stay with us for a while. Saying that the owner of the voice came in front of me. "It's nice to finally meet you Soo Jin."

Me being me I kept my lips shut and stood there like a statue so did everyone else.

I just wanted someone to tell me that this was not Jungkook's house. I will manage with the two of them but please just not Jungkook.

"I am Kim Jeong Ho." The guy said. At least he's not a Jeon.

"What's going on dad?" asked Kim Taehyung confused.

"Didn't I tell you about my high school friend I met recently?"

"I guess you did."

"She is his daughter Park Soo Jin. And she will be staying with us for awhile." said Kim Jeong Ho.

"Ah..." he was clearly uncomfortable.

I bowed "Hi. I am Park Soo Jin." I stated awkwardly.

"I am Taehyung."

"Your the girl that was sleeping in the class earlier right?" the annoying guy spoke. I nodded. "That's why you looked familiar. Woah I must have a photographic memory." he smirked. Or maybe you just saw me today.

"You guys are in the same school right?" he asked while kinda smiling.

"Yes." I smiled back. Actually I feel a little bit comfortable now. Maybe because of his smile.

"I am sorry to keep you standing at the door. You should eat dinner and get some rest." I smiled not knowing what to say.

I glanced at Jungkook cause he haven't spoken a word till now and there he was swiping through his phone uninterested in our conversation.

"Shall we go to the dinning room?" Mr. Kim started walking while gesturing us to follow him. We followed him and I was again mesmerized by the beauty of their house.

I didn't know where to sit so I was aimlessly looking at every chair. "Sit here." Taehyung pulled a chair.

I smiled at him. And sat there next to him in front of Jungkook.

People started serving food. "Aren't we going to wait for mom?" asked Taehyung.

"Your mom is meeting her friends today so she is going to be late." he nodded his head.

Everyone started eating except me. I am uncomfortable eating in front of people. I think they will judge me.

"I guess you don't like the food." Taehyung's father said looking at my untouched food.

"No I like it. It's because I just ate before coming here."

"Ok. Jungkook how is class?" he asked.

"The same as before." He looked at me while saying that. And my stupid heart started beating. I bet Taehyung could hear that.

"You should take class a little more seriously. Your dad was going on and on about your grades." Jungkook nodded nonchalantly. He then looked at me, "Soo Jin I heard you get good grades."

I glanced at Jungkook and he was staring at me. Why did you have to talk about my grades. "I am just average."

"Still you are better than Jungkook and Jimin. If you have time you should help them out." he said.

"I'm 100 times better than Jungkook." Jimin complained.

"That's because you cheat and I don't." Jungkook rolled his eyes. And Taehyung giggled.

After that the conversation about our grades went on for a little while and we were done with dinner.

"We should probably get going now." Jungkook stood up.

"Why don't you guys stay over tonight?" Kim Jeong Ho asked.

"Should we?" Jimin grinned.

"You can stay over but I have to go." Jimin glared at Jungkook .

"Then see you guys at school tomorrow." Taehyung said.

"Ok." Jimin pouted. "See you at school Chubs." What chubs!? I really hate him. I just wish the ground swallows me right now. I bet they all heard that.

"Your not that close to call each other by a nickname Jimin-a." Taehyung said.

He threw his hand over my shoulder, "We will just get close then." he said while smiling at me.

"We will get going then." Jungkook said while going out.

"Wait for me." Jimin speed walked to him after winking at me for God knows why.

"Don't mind Jimin. He is just playful." Taehyung smiled at me.

"It's ok." I simply said.

"Should we sleep too? You guys have school tomorrow." Taehyung's father said. And we both nodded.

"Soo Jin I will take you to your room." He stood up.

"Ok." I smiled awkwardly.

"Then am going to my room first. Good night." We bid him good night and started walking to my temporary room.

We stopped at a door. "I am not sure if you will like it but I have tried to decorate it."

"You didn't have to." I smiled gratefully at him.

He opened the door and the room was so fancy. More than I could ever ask for. "So do you like it?" He asked.

"Yes I do." I grinned ear to ear stupidly.

"That's a relief. I thought you wouldn't like it." he smiled. "You should get some rest you have class tomorrow. I will see you in the morning. Good night." I bowed at him. And he went out.

I thought I would have been uncomfortable but I am actually comfortable here except for the fact that I met Jungkook everything else is nice. Taehyung and his father seems nice and it's not like Jungkook and that annoying kid will come here everyday so it's ok. And I just have to stay here till my dad comes back. Then I don't know when but I fell asleep.


I know it's a little short I'm sorry. I will make it longer next time. And sorry for not updating.

It's okay to be me {Jungkook ff}Where stories live. Discover now