Level 1: Game Start

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"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

[MIGHTY ACTION X!] = Gashat sound

[CRITICAL!] = Finisher and Weapon sound

"I am here!" = All Might Muscle form

'Welcome' = Sign

"Henshin!" = Transforming

7 year later

A 14-year-old Izuku Midoriya walking to school then he saw a giants villain standing on a train track roaring and destroying things he saw a piece of a sign about to fall on people but a pro hero show up and grab the falling sign

"It's the pro hero Death arm!" Civilian 1 said

Then water appeared in front of the crowd forming a line

"Okay everyone stays behind the line." Backdrafts said another pro hero

"It Backdraft." Civilian 2 said

"Wow so cool." Izuku said as he pulls out a notebook with writing that said hero analyzed for the future 13 and start taking notes

"Why do you always have to go fanboy every time you see a pro-Hero." Parad said from inside Izuku thought

Then a hero in a black suit and wooden arms guards jumps over the crowd of people and runs to the villain

"Go Kamui!" some fangirls shout

"Wow it's Kamui wood he may be new but he making a big name for himself." Izuku said

"Know that I can tell that you are a fanboy right?" an old man said to Izuku

"Yeah kinda." Izuku said back

"Illegal use of quirk and robbery with violence you are an evil avatar." said Kamui as he swings around and land on the station roof and prepare to attack

"Here it comes." Izuku said as he knows what Kumai going to do

"Show us something good, tree man." the old man said

"Finishing Move: Lacquered Chains Prison!" Kumai said attacking


"Canyon Cannon!" Mt Lady said as she kicks the villain before Kamui's attack could hit the villain then she lands on the road and walks to the villain

"This villain is good for my debut I'm Mt Lady the next hottest Hero." Mt Lady said and winked at the crowd as the men begins to take pictures of her

"Wow, she really greedy if she cuts in on Kamui's attack like that." Parad said

"Yeah, Hero these days are just in it to be famous well might as well head to school." Izuku said back to Parad as he closes his notebook and starts walking to school

Later at Aldera junior high

"Alright students you're in your third year now so it's time to prepare for your future I would hand out the career paper but bother?" the teacher said as he picks some but then threw them upward and said "I know you all going to be Hero right?" he finished as student start showing off their quirk

"Hey teach don't lump me in with this bunch of losers I'm the real deal but these guys will be lucky to end up a sidekick to some busted D-lister." Bakugo said being his usual self

"You think you are better than Bakugo?" a student shouted in the class

"Let go I will take you all on." Bakugo said with a smirk

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