【➳】Stranger in a Storm【➳】

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Hiccup x Loner!Dragon Rider!Reader


Type: Smut

Warnings: Awkward first time, rough sex

Timeframe: HTTYD 2


I like how the plot turned out, but not so much with the smut. Hopefully it's somewhat decent for my first time writing it with his character. 😭

Sorry this request took so long! I planned to get it done that one weekend, but then had finals and I didn't get around to finishing it till now. Hopefully you like it though :')

 Hopefully you like it though :')

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A strike of lightning flashes along the vast ocean in the distance, the loud rumbling of thunder following a few seconds after. The clouds above have already darkened into a light grey, a warning compared to the dark and dangerous clouds further out that served as a gateway for each bolt of electricity. Pellets of rain were starting to shoot down from the gloomy sky, thoroughly soaking the dragon and it's rider that were rushing through the air in a desperate attempt to find somewhere to land as quickly as possible.

Hiccup cursed under his breath, swiping away the dripping auburn locks that fell into his face and obscured his vision for the umpteenth time. Those emerald eyes darted frantically around their surroundings, narrowing and squinting in hopes to find the slightest outline of an island, to no avail as he was only met with the increasingly violent waves of the ocean. That was just his luck after scouting so many uncharted islands earlier; the one time he actually needed land, the Gods didn't want to provide him with such.

A low, uneasy coo came from below, the head of the black-scaled dragon pointed in the direction of another lightning strike that occured, much closer than the last. The auburn-haired viking gave a light, comforting pat to the side of Toothless's neck, sharing the same worry the reptile felt. "I know, bud. Try to go a little faster. There's got to be an island somewhere close by." His attempt at reassurance was dulling by the second when another scan around showed nothing but the deep and neverending waves thrashing around.

His companion complied, clearly sensing the severity of the situation. The two carried onwards for what felt like ages to him, the downpour worsening each passing minute to the point he was shivering from the mixture of wet leather and harsh, freezing wind slapping him in the face. It was uncomfortable and his body temperature was depleting steadily, yet his main focus was the reptile below him and finding a safe place to land. He would forever blame himself if Toothless got struck down, merely because he pressed on them staying out later than usual for scouting, when he was well aware of the slowly approaching storm in the distance. Damnit, he should've lead them back to Berk after marking down that last island.

【➳】HTTYD: Hiccup x Reader Oneshots【➳】Where stories live. Discover now