Chapter 69- Scheduled Pause

Start from the beginning

     "Everyone, may I have your attention," the familiar voice of Mhaedrid announced.

     All of the Athelerians turned immediately. In the front of the room stood the tall, powerful figure of Mhaedrid. A tepid smile carved its way onto his face. Arlo let out an exhale through his nose. There was something about Mhaedrid that didn't sit right with him.

     "As you may or may not know, our military base in Ryinadran was taken over by a hoard of Demons, therein throwing Wēifēng into disarray," Mhaedrid began. "We fear the situation might develop into something serious, and so, we regretfully must ask you to leave. It has been lovely visiting with you all, and I look forward to spending time with you for many days to come, but we cannot risk your safety."

     Arlo heard everyone around him mumble in agreement. He clenched his fists. This certainly confirmed his suspicions that the Light Elves had something to hide. What it was he didn't know, but he had to do something. Perhaps there still was a way to fish out some information from Mhaedrid after all.

     "Why can't we stay and fight by your side?" Arlo posited, confidently stepping forward. "After all, Isilynor and Athelaric are allies, are we not?"

      Mhaedrid blinked, almost caught off guard. Arlo could hear mumbles of agreement coming from the surrounding crowd and smiled slightly, careful not to appear too haughty. Maybe there was a chance to stay after all.

     After clearing his throat, Mhaedrid became calm once more. "With all due respect, Prince Arlo, this matter doesn't concern Humans. The commander of the Succubi forces is one Yue Xin— a treacherous man who has the power to control monsters with the wave of his hand. You would be advised to stay away."

     Arlo nearly blurted out 'Yue' out of shock. However, he knew he had to keep it together, lest he expose his affinity for him. He shook his head instead. The last he had heard of Yue was after Shufen's passing— to think that he had become some kind of tyrant was completely unheard of.

     Something isn't right.

     "I see," Arlo gulped, stepping away. "It sounds dangerous."

     "Indeed it is," Mhaedrid agreed. "Well, it has been lovely hosting you all. We wish you safe travels along your way home."

     Mhaedrid left the hall, his long cape flowing behind him. Arlo crossed his arms, standing in place, losing himself in thought. Two people who he thought fondly of were now enemies of the Light Elves, and, by proxy, supposedly enemies of his. It didn't make sense. Well, he could sort of understand the Light Elves' distaste for Yue, with him being a Demon and allegedly launching a coup, but why Valeria? She was, to his understanding, completely innocent. Was she really so powerful that she'd be a credible threat to an entire nation— nay, a continent?

     "Are you ready to go?" a familiar voice came from behind Arlo, accompanied by a tap on his shoulder.

      "Jae!" Arlo remarked, snapping back into reality. His eyes darted around the room to see if anybody was watching them. "Perfect timing! Quickly, we need to talk!"

      Arlo instantaneously took off towards a stairwell. Jae hurried behind him, following him down the stairs. Being that the Athelarians had only been able to visit certain locations over and over again, Arlo was able to get a good understanding of the layouts of the places they frequented.

     Arlo looked back and forth, then moved towards a cellar door, gesturing towards Jae to follow him. Even though it was built by the Light Elves, this cellar was completely unremarkable. It was cold, and damp, and needed a fair bit of extra ventilation. Well, if they wanted somewhere where nobody would be lurking, then this was the place.

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