Part. VII

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Chapter 7: The Goblet of Fire 

Warning: Strong Language 

The students of Hogwarts gathered around the corridors and the hall center watching as a large ship rose up from the water. It was a huge ship, filled with hundreds of ropes, and red flags waving in the air. As it rose from the water and landed safely about it, the ship looked as if it wasn't wet at all. Hagrid (who was the grounds keeper) was standing on dry land directing the large ship to port. The students continued to watch as something flew out of the sky and was making it's way towards the doors of Hogwarts.

The ship in the sky swirled and wiggled nearly knocking over Hagrid. "Blimey, there's something you don't see everyday." Seamus said tapping Harry on his shoulders, but Harry wasn't paying attention.
The first ship landed and out stepped a line of sharp jawed eloquent gentlemen. They stood as their leader, a man no more than forty-five stepped out of the ship with a boy who had the appearance of a baby shark.

"Harry, it's Krum!" Harry rolls his eyes.

Karkaroff beckoned forward one of his students. As the boy passed, Harry caught a slight glimpse of a prominent curved nose and thick black eyebrows. He didn't need the punch on the arm Ron gave him, or the shout in his ear, to recognize that profile. "Blimey, I don't believe it! He's actually here." Ron said in a stunned voice, as the Hogwarts students filed back up the steps behind the party from Durmstrang, all Harry could think about was Snape. "Krum, Harry! Viktor Krum!"

Harry grumbled, he couldn't understand why he had to be at this school function. He was hungry, tired and frustrated. "Yes I can see that Ron. I might have gone deaf, but I'm not blind." Said Harry.

"But.... it's Krum!"

"For heaven's sake, Harry control your brother, he's only a Quidditch player." Said Hermione grunting in frustration. That he could agree with. Krum was a good Quidditch player, but according to the rest of the students at Hogwarts and some of the professors, he was better than the Bulgarian bonbon Krum.

"Only a Quidditch player!" Ron said, looking at Hermione as though he couldn't believe she had said that. "You saw him play at the World Cup."

"Yeah I did and they lost, or did you forget?" Said Hermione harshly.

"Bite me Granger!"

"Over my dead-"

Harry moved back trying to get away from Ron and Hermione's fighting. "Hey!" Harry shouted, a few of his classmates turned their heads to see what the problem was, but quickly went back to what they were doing. "Both of you shut the fuck up. If you're going to fight, then I'll leave." Said Harry drawing his attention back to where Professor Dumbledore was giving the Durmstrang headmaster a quick hug.

They walked into the Great Hall and walked to the Gryffindor table and sat down. Ron took care to sit on the side facing the doorway, because Krum and his fellow Durmstrang students were still gathered around it, apparently unsure of where they should sit.

"Do you reckon they'll sit with us?" Seamus said looking at the Durmstrang students.

"Don't encourage him Shay, he'll only continue to behave like this." Said Harry.

"Shut up!" Said Ron

Viktor and his fellow Durmstrang students had settled themselves at the Slytherin table. Harry could see Draco, he looked happy but tired. Krum leaned in and spoke to him, but Draco just smiled.

"That's not fair! Draco gets to sit next to Krum, while we just seat here and watch." Said Ron pouting, he kept his attention fixed on Draco watching his brother's every move.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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