Part. VI

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Chapter 6: Of Childhoods Hour


Severus watched his three-year-old self stand by his bedrooms door watching his drunk abusive father beat the life out of his mother. She was always so brave; always laying there taking the beatings for him. And every time she'd say, 'Severus, its ok, mamas alright, ' but she wasn't. He would watch the life drain out of her; helpless and small there was nothing that he could do to help. Eventually his father's arm would get so tired that he'd have to stop. He'd stop, grab a bottle of the strongest whiskey in the house and drink until he couldn't remember his wife's name or his son. Eileen was always at the center of Mr. Snape's drunken outbursts and tonight was no different. They were having dinner when Severus had asked for the juice sitting at the opposite end of the table. It happened so fast that neither Eileen Snape or his father knew what to do. Tobias Snape lounged forward grabbing three year old Severus around the neck. "What did I tell you about using magic in this house?" He spat harshly. He grabbed the three year old harder throwing him across the floor. Severus' head came in contact with the wall knocking him out. His father made a direct bee line, for him, but was stopped by his wife.

"Tobias he doesn't know any better, he's still a baby."

"You can't continue to coddle him Eileen." He said grabbing her arms and lightly shaking her. "How's he supposed to learn?"

"He's a baby Tobias, he's not suppose to learn to control his magic." Said Eileen. She walked over to where her son was sprawled on the floor and picked him up. Three year old Severus started to whimper. Eileen sat Severus on the kitchen counter feeling him over for any cuts or bruises. She did a quick healing spell and placed her young son back in his feet. "Go play love, mama is going to clean up from supper." Eileen watched as her son skipped to his room and gently closed the door. Once Severus was out of ear shot, she turned her attention back to her husband. She was furious. "What is wrong with you Tobias? You promised me that you would never lay a hand on my son."

"He has to learn Eileen, what if the neighbors saw him do that witchcraft?"

"The hell with the neighbors, he's three years old. He's your son, your job is to make sure that if people saw him, you'd protect and defend him. Not throw him about for accidental magic." She said furiously scrubbing the dirty dishes.

"I can't love something like that Eileen," Tobias said bitterly, "I'm sorry, I just can't. " That was the last time Tobias ever spoke or mentioned anything about Severus.

Severus was four when his mother died. It was the only thing in his childhood that he remembered vividly. He had woken to his father screaming and yelling (as he always did). He knew that there was nothing he had done that set his father off, and his mother surely couldn't have done anything to upset him; so he was clearly drunk. Severus opened his bedroom door slightly, listening to the conversation his parents were having. From what he could tell, they were arguing about magic (as they always did). And as usual , his mother always came to his rescue. He watched as his father's hand came in contact with his mother's face. She fell to the ground with a loud thud. And that was the last time she ever moved. Tobias walked out of the house leaving Severus alone with his dead mother. For two long days, young Severus knelt beside his mother trying to wake her. He would cry, scream and lay on top of her, but nothing help. Nothing would wake her. He tried telling her stories (his favourite stories that she used to tell him when ever he was afraid or needed a little cheering up). He sang to her in her ears, but she never woke. After the second day, Severus walked to his room and hid in the closet. Every once in a while, his father would come home and look for Severus, but the young lad sat scrunched in the deep far corner of the closet floor.

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