Part. 1

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Chapter 1: Out with the old, in with the new
Warning: Language, mentions of sexual abuse

A few days later


Minister Fudge Reprimanded

By: Reeta Skeeter

Fudge reprimanded: Wednesday the twenty-fourth of July, the High Wizengamot held a hearing to determine the fate of one Cornelius Fudge. Fudge was put on trial after some troubling information came to the light. The former Minister of Magic got his Order of Merlin (First Class) title taken away for having sexual relations with under-aged wizards. The question is, how was he able to keep it hidden for so long? You all may remember him for his cowardice behavior in the first Wizarding war, against Gellert Grindelwald. It was Albus Dumbledore who eventually had to go up against his friend. After Dumbledore defeated him, Albus brought Grindelwald to trial to decide his fate. Should Fudge's fate be the same as Grindelwald? If he is sentenced, will the Wizengamot put him to death, or have the dementors suck his soul? These are questions that need to be answered. Some sooner than later. Until next time. I'm Reeta!

Arthur Weasley-Malfoy shook his head rereading the article again. With disgust, he turned the page trying to think about anything else other than the former Minister's mistakes. He kept reading occasionally taking a sip of his lukewarm coffee. He turned the page until he came to the adoption section of the Daily Prophet. This was his routine every morning (bathroom, coffee, and the Daily Prophet), usually he would be in the kitchen with his husband, as they planned out their day before the kids got up, but his husband was currently upstairs getting a few extra minutes of sleep before the chaos began. The two husbands had been looking to adopt for a while now, ever since the healer told them that they could no longer have anymore kids. And after seven kids, they wanted to add to their family. After a year of failed attempts and false promises, they began to lose hope at ever finding a baby to bring home. It took him a minute to see the article at the bottom of the page. He quickly glanced over the article and moved to the next: a moment went by and Arthur abruptly stood up knocking over his half-empty cup off the table. He would pick up the broken pieces later. With a shout, he slammed the paper on the table. 'Attack in Godric's Hollow leaves thousands orphaned' he read it again, just to make sure he hadn't been seeing things. After reading it a few more times, he ascended the stairs to his bedroom. He pushed the door to their bedroom open and walked over towards the bed that occupied his husband. He loved seeing his husband so peaceful and relaxed.

"Luce?" He says softly, "Luce?" Soft snores could be heard from the left side of the bed. "Lucius?" No answer. He gently shook the man. Again, there was no answer. He pulled the covers off the sleeping man knowing how much his husband hated to be cold. "Luce?" He said again.

"What Arthur?" Came a grumble.

With new found excitement, Arthur began to speak. "Look at what's in the paper today," Arthur said handing the paper over to the half-asleep man. Lucius took the paper reading it a few times.

He sat up placing the paper on the bed. "Godric's Hollow?"

"Yeah, I couldn't believe it either. What was Voldemort doing all the way out there?" Asked Arthur and even though the circumstances weren't ideal, he really hoped that there was a young child he and his husband could take home.

"I don't know baby," Lucius said through a yawn. "But whatever it is, it can't be good." They sat for a while enjoying the silence between them; eventually, the blonde-haired man got up and walked to the bathroom.

"Luce, what are you thinking?" He walked out of the bathroom buck naked and walked over to Arthur.

"I don't know, but if this is truly what you want, then I don't see why not. After all, we've been looking for a year and a half," chided the younger man. "Maybe something good will come out of something bad." Lucius said, softly kissing Arthur's lips. "Come join me in the bath."

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