Chapter 21

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Jason was now left alone in the king-size bed that was too big for his liking. And so he got up and went to shower. It was strange how he had already felt so comfortable being around people that he had hardly knew anything about. But it kind of felt nice to know that he seemed to have a place to stay and people to talk to when he needed it. "The Avengers seem like an actual family than the one that I was adopted in." Jason says to himself and growls as he hissed in pain as his legs have seemed to be still sore from all that running he had done ro even get to the tower in the first place.

"Hey, I have picked out some clean clothes for you, Jay! I think that they would fit you since you and Bucky are similar in size and height." Clint says as he lays down the clothing onto the bed before leaving. As he had left the room, Jason had then just entered and smiled while drying himself off before getting changed into the all black attire, "Well someone other than Bruce sure does like the shade black huh? Wonder if it is a trend now, or they are wearing it just in case of a teammates early funeral." Jason joked to himself and smirked, already feeling better.

When he was finished and had headed downstairs for breakfast, he was greeted with the smeel of deliouse cooking. "Wow, that smells good. What is it?" Jason asked as he sat down next to Bucky, who seemed to just be having eggs and bacon while Steve was trying to give his past partner some toast as well. "Just some simple eggs, bacon and toast." Was what Clint had said as it was his turn to cook this time. Hulk had a huge plate of the said breakfast along with Thor as the two merely gobbled and teared through the food like wild beasts, creating a mess.

"Oh, come on, can you two at least try not to make such a huge mess in the kitchen!" Tony yells as he had just walked and seemed to be in a clean shirt and trouser now. Everyone who had been eating laughed, "No, I'm being serious right now as it is my turn to do the cleaning." The genius billionaire grumbles in annoyens as he stomps to the coffee machine to make himself a cup of the hot beverage. "Oh no, we don't need another Tim Drake here!" Jason yells out dramatically, making the room full of laughter.

"Tim Drake, isn't he Red Robin and is a coffee addict like Tony?" Natasha asked and smirked as she was glared at by the man. Jason nods and laughs, "Yep, now a days it seemed that he would only be able to survive on coffee even though it's bad for his health." Jason says and soon had a cup of coffee slammed onto the table. Tony sat down with it alone with a huff coming out of his mouth as he childishly crossed his arms. "STARK!" Steve yells as he looks at Jason apologetically, "Sorry about him he can be kinda petty at times." The blonde says before hearing a loud gasp.

"Stark, stop being so over dramatic about everything we say about you!" Steve yells as he glares at Tony, who pouts and glares back. "Okay, fine, you have no sense of humour." Tony muttered as he sipped his coffee. And soon it had all just been filled with friendly chatter and some slight bickering and Tony just bitch half of the time. 'Yep, this definitely is what a family is supposed to be like.' Jason thought with a huge grin on his face as he watched some agruements that have been mostly started by Tony in amusement.

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