Chapter 19

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It was warm and cosy for everybody that was lying down in that single bed just holding onto each other unknown of what would happen to them the next day. They were all scared for tomorrow to come unsure of what the future may hold for them. In a way, just staying close and having a tight hold onto those you care about was a type of reassurance that they all needed to confirm that none of them had left. They were like family, something that Jason didn't have for a very long time. It was a type of bond that he had craved for, and now he had one finally.

He just hopes that Bruce or anyone else from the batfamily wouldn't try and take it all away from him.

All the members of the Avengers were tangled up in bedsheets and have fallen asleep along with Jason. Loud snores could be heard inside the room of the Asgardian and the Archer. Natasha had cuddled Jason up to her curve body, letting the younger use her breasts as his own pillow as the others had taken the rest of them over. Bucky and Steve had their limbs tangled between one another being as close as they always have been but in a more physical sense this time.

Bruce had somehow managed to have fallen onto the floor and not have woken up. As well as while he was in his sleep, he turned into the Hulk that had made the snore even more loud as it came out as a near roar from the giant, green skinned man. Tony was lying at the bottom of the bed, which seemed to be making him rather uncomfortable as he had feet pushing against him or laid on top of his figure. Meanwhile, as for the youngest Avenger Peter Parker, he was behind Jason, nuzzling his head into the opders back with limbs wrapped around the taller.

The team of heroes slept in a rather uncomfortable way but had also seemed at peace in the way they have slept in content. Always knowing that no matter what, they have each other to be there for one another. There was nothing that could separate them apart even if it was a rather brooding family filled with mentally ill people who should go to therapy instead of going out at night playing dress up in bird suits and bat costumes just to fight crime in the belief that it would take away all their problems.

When in reality...

Then just need to listen to that butler of these and go to fucking therapy for once.

Jason Todd an Avenger Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz