Chapter 15

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As Jason had fallen asleep in Clints arms the Archer couldn't feel them after like an hour and panicked. "Someone help me." He whispered with a slightly strained voice as he didn't want to wake Jason up. Soon Bucky had saw this along with Steve as the two soldiers walked into the room and picked Jason up and took the boy to the guest room. "How do you know him Clint?" Rogers asked his fellow hero and friend, "Oh him and I just fought some crime together and had hit it off well as partners." Clint says forgotten that Natasha would hear him and sglare daggers at him.

But everything was seemingly okay and Jason was in good hands now. With people that will care and look after him until he was ready to leave the nest. And all they had to do now was wait for him to wake up and just introduce themselves. Everyone that was in the tower Thor, Bruce Banner, Clint, Steve, Bucky and Natasha where all waiting out in the living room for the boy to wake up.

When Jason did Peter was finally at the tower and had heard about the 19 year old and ran to see the raven haired male himself. "What the actual fuck." Jason groans as he was tired after fallen asleep and slept for so long after missing so many nights of much needed rest. "So you are the Red Hood guy right?" Peter asked all of the sudden as he was so excited to meet the anti-hero who he had thought was so bdass and cool like iron-man. Jason flinched and quickly turned around to see a 16 year old boy hovering next to him.

"Yeah..." He says hesitantly. 'Where the hell did this kid even come from?' Asked himself and stared in question at Peter who just smiled and basically radiant sunshine towards Jason. 'OH FUCK THIS KID IS TOO FUCKING BRIGHT AND INNOCENT!!' Jason thought and gritted his teeth as it was all too much, "Kid what the hell are you even doing here? Where are your parents?" When Jason had asked that the boys mood instantly dimmed and everything went cold and silent.

"They are dead."

Jason Todd an Avenger Where stories live. Discover now