Winter Poetry Contest 2022 ~ Fifth Entry

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Topic: The colour of water

Poem Name: Our Story to Write

Word Count: 350

Why do we stay still when we can move,

And let things happen when we can make them?

Why do we listen when we can be heard,

And let others tell us what to do when it's our life?

Always reflecting and following the groove,

Never standing up and letting our own ideas stem.

Waiting for them to give the word,

And letting ourselves get led through strife.

We may not have any colour of our own,

But we can take our reflections and turn them into something new.

We can mix and blend the colours into our own image,

And flow with our own power.

We can make gold out of a stone,

And stop letting our powerlessness stew.

Let's go test our courage,

And let our strength flower.

We may be colourless,

And you may only see yourself when you look at us,

But underneath is a churning storm that is thunderous.

And we're going to let out all of our happiness and distress.

We'll blend the colours into that pearly white.

That not-quite-a-colour that is a combination of all.

Just like how all of our emotions come together,

To help create the paths we all flow down.

Finally, we will pick up our pens, as it's our story to write.

Not theirs, they have their own ways to soar and fall.

We've learned that our identities are not something to surrender.

We don't need to reflect others, and let them dictate when we smile and frown.

We don't need to reflect others,

We are our own, not a shadow.

We need to take it in and utilize it,

We need to listen and speak.

We will test the strength of our tethers,

And decide when we laugh and wallow.

We'll take our reflections and keep our wit,

For they don't determine whether we are strong or weak.

Only we decide that.

We'll rush and flow, until our reflected colours have mixed,

Mixed into the gorgeous, pearly white of unity that isn't flat.

While reflective, we are still our own, and that is the problem we have fixed.

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