Poetry Awards 2022 ~ Seventh Entry

50 5 8

Topic: Partner in crime

Poem Name: Dear Traitor

Word Count: 327

Note: This is like a 'reply' to I Should Have Realized

Dear traitor,

Do you remember the old times?

Back when we believed that we were greater?

How we committed crimes?

We used to do everything together,

But then you stopped.

You reached the end of your tether,

And your loyalty rates dropped.

You pushed me off your pedestal.

You ran away and claimed that you were the victim,

That you had nothing but a lesson that you had learned during your supposed fall.

Now you wax poetic about my "barbarism".

When do you plan to tell the truth?

I am the one who fell, not you.

When do you plan to tell people about our youth?

We were partners in crime, and you decided that you were through.

You abandoned me.

You ran away and fabricated lies.

If I am harsh sleet, as you described, then you are a tsunami.

You went back on your promises and decided to play spies.

You may be a polluted ocean,

But I am a wounded animal.

And a wounded animal causes the most dangerous kind of commotion.

So be very glad that you gave your new, lawful friends the signal.

Be very glad that you locked me in this cage.

Sleep tight, and don't mind the noise.

It's just me, breaking out and full of rage.

I'm on the hunt, and I'm done with your ploys.

This wolf won't be donning sheep's clothing,

It'll be lunging at you head-on.

It's not a liar, a coward fond of deceiving.

It's not like you, who gave a fake story to everyone.

You should have realized that leaving me was the wrong move.

That stabbing me in the back and saying it was the other way around was a huge mistake.

Now instead of forgiving you and helping you improve,

I will smash your pedestal to bits, and give you more pain than you can take.

The truth, that you hurt me, is on its way out.

Dear traitor, I'm coming for you.

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