Poetry Awards 2022 ~Third Entry

67 12 14

Topic: Heroes vs. Villains

Poem Name: No More Heroes vs. Villains

Word Count: 1279

Note: This one is long.

Lying on the ground, beaten up and bruised.

Walking through the halls, stared at and whispered about.

Hanging out with people, ignored and talked over.

Why are they doing this to you?

What did you do to deserve this?

When will they notice?

I don't know...

Every day, just feeling abused.

Maybe not outright, maybe not intentionally played out.

Either way it hurts, either way it brings me lower.

Are you going to keep taking the blows?

Are you going to try to hide?

Are you going to clam up?

When you put it that way...

I'm slowly starting to have had enough.

Anger and rage are steadily replacing sadness and despair.

That's it, it's time to stop.

Or will you fight back?

Or will you make them need to hide?

Or will you drown out everyone else?

I could try...

I send back a blow of my own, and show them my stuff.

I take a leaf out of their book, and poison their air.

I start to be louder, and force them to hear me before the moment can flop.

Doesn't it feel nice?

Isn't it great, giving them a taste of what they gave you?

Seeing your pain on their faces?

My pain on their faces...

I am the hero of the story.

I am the underdog, climbing to the top.

I am the one who has left dozens of destroyed villains in my wake.

They deserve it, right?

All you did was strike back, that's okay, isn't it?

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