Winter Poetry Contest 2022 - Second Entry

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Topic: Nefelibata. Nefelibata means 'Cloud Walker'. A person who lives in the clouds, namely, in their own imagination or dreams. Or a person who does not obey the rules of society. It comes from the Portuguese language

Poem Name: Pay Attention

Word Count: 361

Do you really think I've given up?

Are you truly sure you've won?

How do you know that I won't take,

That false victory from you?

I'm the hero in this story, bub.

The brave protagonist who's number one.

I'll bring down the rising stake,

And knock you down a peg or two.

I leap aboard the pirate's ship.

Sword in hand, I swing and slash.

I fight my way to the boat's lip,

Where the hostages are kept, shocked by the clash.

The pirate's crew is swiftly defeated.

They all lay on the floor,

Gasping and groaning.

My own crew comes to take them as prisoners.

I stride my way through a task completed,

And kneel down in front of the chair,

I swiftly untie the first hostage, who with great joy is grinning.

I help them all, as my crew is a team of liberators.

I get to my feet,

And return to my boat.

Before sailing away, I pause for a beat.

Just how long can I keep this endeavour afloat?

I shake my head, and sail away.

I let the waves -

Hey! Nefelibata, are you listening today?

I thought we'd had enough of your silly raves.

You should be focused on class,

You must pay attention.

You need to listen closely to what I say,

And focus upon me, the teacher, understood?

You can dream of pirates and fields full of grass,

After class, in detention.

This is the fourth time this week, and it's only Tuesday!

It's getting out of hand, and it isn't good.

When will you stop living in that cloud?

Will you ever set aside your dream?

Nefelibata, must I be more loud?

Is that the only way you'll listen, if I scream?

I sink lower in my seat and look away from the window.

I apologize to the teacher, who huffs and turns back to the lesson.

I struggle to pay attention, it's just so mundane.

Nowhere near as interesting as my imagination.

I look away, wondering where I'll go.

Where else I'll stop the aggression.

I let the waves lead me through the rain,

To more people in need of liberation.

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