Poetry Awards 2022 ~ Entry

81 11 6

Topic: Life in a bubble

Poem Name: The Paint is Peeling

Word Count: 314

Note: The letters in bold form an acrostic down the side of the poem


Prisoner, prisoner, don't you know that's what you are?

* * *

I put the book down and walked to the window.

All of the happiness and beauty were gone.

Madness, darkness, and sorrow all reigned supreme.

* * *

Don't you know that you're in a golden cage?

* * *

Now reminded of why I'm fortunate and have hope for the morrow,

Of why I must never wander or it will all be done,

Trouble and curiosity dampened by the stream, I remember to never dream.

* * *

That your freedom is fake, and that they do not care?

* * *

Turning away, I walk back to my chair.

Reading once more, I flip through the pages.

Unbeknownst to me, the painted scenery is peeling.

* * *

If you learned that you've never left your bubble, would you rage?

* * *

Life outside, as I'd learned, was tortuous despair.

Yes, it's so much better to stay in here and away from the changes.

Far from the danger and the world that is reeling.

* * *

Or would you say it's a lie, and carry on your day?

* * *

Right outside my bubble is a terrible world.

Everything is a nightmarish, disgusting wasteland.

Everyone knows that, it's what we've been told.

* * *

"Have fun with that," is what I would say.

* * *

Life is so much better tucked up here in my bubble, unperturbed.

Eternal troubles rage through as if planned out by hand.

Though it seems that way, I know it isn't true, that the story's gotten old.

* * *

Enjoy your life unaware of what you are missing.

* * *

Many people say that the bubbles are blasphemy.

Enjoyment is fake and saturated, the conspiracists say.

Of course, that isn't true.

* * *

After all, don't you know what kind of prisoner is best?

* * *

Understand this: the world is terrible, and the bubbles aren't agony.

Turning the pages, I never notice the paint on my window slowly peeling away.

* * *

The one who doesn't realize that they are in prison.

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