"Our first trial is all about strength, the first candidate to mount the beetle wins!" He blew a whistle, with no hesitation a huge monster-like beetle came out of the cave.
"Ready set go!" He said quickly as he ran away with the crowd.

The beetle charged at the two, it knocked toadstool away and hop pop knocked into a stump.
"Hey!" He yelled and threw a small rock at its head.
"Come and get it!!" He said while slapping his butt.
The beetle roared and charged after hop pop, however he moved out of the way so the beetles antler things (too lazy to look up what those are) were stuck in the stump.
Hop pop jumped on top of the beetle and made a heroic pose as the town clapped for him.

"The second trial is about sensitivity. Can you figure out what these hatchlings need? A good mayor would."
Three baby birds were chirping away in their nest, waiting for food.
"I know what these dumb birds what, money!"
Toadstool said approaching the birds with a sack full of money. "Alright, alright here's your handout." The birds started pecking at him and he ran back to the crowd.

"Hmm.." hop pop thought for a moment, then he went over to a log and got some worms out from under it. He then chewed them up and opened his mouth so the birds could eat out of it. After they were done feeding they all began nuzzling Hopadiah.

The crowd awwwed and sprig said,
"That's how he fed us when we were babies!"

"Being mayor is a lot like being dropped in the woods naked, and forced to find your way home. So that's what we did!"
Suddenly a nearby bush began to rustle. Hop pop emerged with little beetles all around him.
"Thanks for showing me the way Jeremy." He gave him a 'Vote Hop Pop!' Badge and he blushed a little. As the beetles flew away hop pop whispered "safe travels brother."
Then the crowd came around him and lifted him up, "hop pop, hop pop, hop pop!"

The next day at the planter farm it was raining and the family was preparing for their final trial.
"Excited for the final trial tomorrow hop pop?" Sprig asked as he carried in a tray of a steaming drink of some kind.
"Not really, I know I've been doing well but if I mess up tomorrow, it could cost us the election."
Just then there was a knock at the door. Out of curiosity the whole family got up to open the door.

"Mr. Planter, an anonymous associate would like to speak with you." Toadie said in a mysterious voice.
"You mean the mayor?"
"No comment."
"Come on man, you only know like one person!"
"I said no comment!"

When Hop Pop was in the carriage with the mayor he said, "ah, so glad you could join me, planter. I'll give it to you straight. I want you to lose tomorrows trial."
"Well yeah, I figured."
"No! Ya dimwit! Lose on purpose! In return, I'll give you a new vegetable stand. Heck, I'll put it in the center of the market, tax free! You'll make tons of money."
"That's uhh.. hard to say no to.."
"Well, then, don't."

Hop Pop reentered the farm with his head down.
"Hey Hop Pop!"
He wordlessly sat in a large chair by the fireplace, he then sighed,
"So, uh.. what did the mayor want?"
"If i lose on purpose Toadstool will give us the stand back."

The frogs gasped, "what?? No!" Yn said standing from the couch."you've got a real chance to win."
"He'll also make us rich. We'd be set for life."
"Oh in that case, take the deal."
"Polly!!" The kids yelled.
"We were all thinking it!"
Hop pop sighed again, "Polly's right guys, it's just too good to pass up."
"Well, whatever you pick, we'll be behind you dude."
"All the way."
"Thanks, kids."
"Guess I got some thinking to do."

"Ladies and gentle-minions!" The announcer yelled, it was the final trial. "You know the candidates, you've seen em fight monsters. But for the final challenge, you'll see them fight, eachother!"
The crowd was going berserk while Toadstool and Hop Pop prepared for the fight.
"Now you both know the rules, fight starts as soon as the bell rings."
On accident, the ball was rung too early for the announcer to get out and Toadstool went in for the punch.

Hop Pops small body was knocked back into the ropes of the boxing square and he was flung back at Toadstool, knocking him over.
The crowd cheered for Hop Pop while he was basking in his glory.

After a couple punches Hop Pop seemed to be winning.
"Ow! Okay, planter! You've put on a good show but.. that's enough!" Toadstool flung him up from his arm and when he came back down he knocked him to the ground.
The crowd stopped their cheers and gasped as they saw hop pop on the floor.

"Like we talked about. Stay down, planter."
Hop pop looked around with his disoriented eye sight and saw all the people who were cheering for him, begging him to get up.
He then stood up, and with his remaining strength he stood his ground as Toadstool punched him.
"What are you, crazy?! You could have been rich. You could've had your stand back. All you had to do was give up! Why?"
"Because this is about more than just me!" Hop pop said as he punched Toadstool in the jaw.

"That's a knockout!" The announcer yelled.
The bell rang twice and the crowd cheered for Hop Pop, some even jumped into the square to cheer for him.

"Well, folks that wraps up the trials. Now it's time to tally the votes!! With 88 votes, 100% of Wartwood, hopadiah planter!!"
"What?? I won?!?" Hop Pop said in disbelief.
Unfortunately the announcer had to interrupt him, "and with 22,000 votes, the entire rest of The Valley, mayor Toadstool!!"
"Congratulations sir!" The announcer put the mayor sash on him.
"Thank you. Thank you all!" Toadstool said to the silent audience, "you're all too kind. Democracy wins again!"
The crowd left with disappointment on their faces as confetti sprayed and music played.

"Well, you certainly have this toad a run for his money. Good thing you didn't win though, huh?" He laughed, "a frog beating a toad. That would have made headlines! Just be proud the whole town loved ya. I'm surprised the rest of The Valley didn't."
"How was I supposed to know the rest of The Valley got a vote? I'm a theater major for crickets sake!"
"Wait, wait now. You didn't campaign outside of Wartwood? Oh son, that's just sad. Really is. Almost takes the joy out of my victory."
"The victory piñata is all set up in the lobby sir." Toadie said running in and interrupting their conversation.
"Well, I did say 'almost'. Wahoo! Piñata! im gonna hit it."

After the whole campaign hop pop sadly sat at the edge of the stage, the kids approached him from behind.
"Hey, hop pop... you okay?"
"... yup! I've never felt better."
"Really? You know you lost, right? Are you in shock? Is he in shock?"
"I may have lost, but I stood my ground and fought for something important.. and it feels good."
"Hopadiah..." Wally called, "uh, may we have a word?"

They walked to the farmers market,
"We all pitched in and built you a stand.. for giving us something better than produce..."
"Hope!" Wally finished for her.
Hop pops eyes watered as Mrs Croakers pat his arm, "you've made us all proud."

As hop pop examined his new stand, he smiled at the sign that read..
(Tbh that hurts bad after the ending-)
"I may have lost the race, but I'm back at the market with all of you. And it makes me a winner. This is perfect... uh, I wouldn't have put the root vegetables with the tubers tho.. it's not important.. I'll fix it later."

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