Chapter 1 | The Party

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You were never really a sociable person, you'd usually keep to yourself and didn't have very many friends in school. After you graduated High School you inevitably left your hometown. You moved to a small town that was just calling to you, you had to live there, you didn't know why but you had to. You got a job at a small diner called Boys and Grills, it paid good enough. You finally got a place to live and you made friends with your neighbor, Lila.

Speaking of Lila, it was Halloween and she was throwing a party at her place. Great, you just loved parties (that's a lie) luckily you already had a costume and you only really had to bring over some drinks. Still you could feel the anxiety grow in your chest.

"Hey there." A deep, southern voice spooked you out of your thoughts. You turned around, behind you was a tall, chubby and scruffy looking man; it was your manager, Bob. "Oh yeah, sorry! I zoned out for a second!" You blurted, trying to hide the fact that he scared you. "Ok, well I was just gonna leave, if you don't mind locking up."

You sighed "Yeah sure, just remember the party tonight though. I really don't want to have to deal with all that alone." He nodded as he walked out the door with his coat on his arm "Sure sure, I'll be there." And with that he left the diner. You yawned and began to count the money you'd earned that day.

After about an hour of preparing the diner for lockup you finally grabbed your hoodie, slipped it on and walked out the door. You fumbled with the keys in your pocket but eventually managed to lock the door just fine. You got an uneasy feeling in your chest, like someone was watching you.

You looked around the street, the sun was setting and there wasn't a soul in sight. You decided to brush it off and began the walk home. Your house wasn't too far from the diner and you quite enjoyed the chilly trek home. You still felt eyes on you, and you unconsciously began to walk faster. 

Finally you arrived home, only to find the door unlocked. You felt a shiver go down your spine but tried to ignore it. It was probably just you being paranoid. You stepped into your house, and set your things on the table. You made a beeline for your room, somewhat excited to wear your costume. You quickly opened your closet and grabbed the costume.

After undressing, you slipped on the costume and stood in front of the mirror, admiring your work. You smiled to yourself and put on some finishing touches and BAM! You were done. Afterwards you went to the kitchen and began preparing the themed drinks for the party, they were really just green colored alcohol with fake spiders glued to the cups and some ice.

You carefully set all of them on a tray and walked out the door to Lila's. You used your elbow to ring the doorbell and she swung it open, a smile plastering her face. She went in to hug you but you quickly stepped away. "The drinks, careful!" she stepped away "Oh! Sorry! Come on in, you're  the first person here. Skid and his friend are out Trick or Treating so we won't be bothered till the party is over.

You set the drinks on her kitchen counter and made yourself at home, all the decorations were up and everything was set up for guests. Suddenly a knock at the door interrupted your observation of the house and you quickly went up to answer it. As you opened the door you recognized Bob.

He was all decked out in a red sweater with some fake devil horns. His scruffy black hair seemed less crazy and he smiled politely at you. "Bob! Hey, come in!" you moved away so he could step inside.  "Lila! Come meet Bob!" you called to your friend. She quickly entered the room and stepped towards him "Hi there! I'm Lila, it's so nice to meet you! Didn't I used to go down to your diner when I was a kid?"

He nodded, staying quiet. He seemed nervous so at least you were both in the same boat. Lila walked back into the kitchen and you both sat down on the couch, making small talk while the rest of the guests arrived.


WOOHOO!!! Second fic I'm writing about this man OMGGMGGGMGMGM I love him, anyways love y'all I'll update it soon! <3

Written in Red | Bob x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now