Chapter Eighteen

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"Maybe we were all wrong"

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"Maybe we were all wrong"

"It makes perfect sense, what part of it do you not understand?" I find myself biting my tongue, holding back as my patience wears thin. Trying to keep my thoughts concealed from the mind reader sitting by my side was becoming extremely challenging, especially when trying my hardest to not curse his dad out within my head.

We were all sitting in the living room, Ash choosing to sit to my left, and Jaqueline to my right. Zeus sitting in the chair across from us, radiating authority. I remember just an hour ago, I was so happy, believing I had most of my problems figured out, I just needed their help. Now here we were, everyone around me shutting down every word that spews from my mouth, leaving me dumbfounded.

"Iris, please calm down. I understand what you're saying. What I'm saying is that it's simply too dangerous. If Hades is keeping Persephone captive," "He is, I saw her, she was calling out for help, and I need to help her." I cut him off, not wanting to hear him say the same thing again just in a different way.

"You had a dream that someone was calling for help, you don't know for sure if it's here, and until then, we are not putting anyone at risk." His authoritative tone cuts deep, signaling for me to drop the matter, but that wasn't happening. I wasn't going down without a fight. I was stubborn, I got it from my mother for sure, and if she was in danger, I was going to save her. Even if it was from my dad.

"I know what I saw. It was my mother, and if anyone can save her, it would be me. Why can't you just support me and help me succeed? Instead, you just keep shutting me down and I feel as if you're not truly listening to what I'm saying." I snap back at him, and with the stone-cold glare resting on his face, I fear I may have gone too far. Or maybe it was the utter looks of shock and concern that filled Ash and Jaqueline's faces, but it was too late to take it back now.

I was a big girl. I could hold my ground, but what if that led me right into the pits of hell? Right into the hands of my dad. The hands of Hades. Maybe Zeus had a point, but so did I, and all I wanted was for him to truly hear me out instead of brushing me off like a child.

"Your father is a monster, Iris. He is the King of Hell. Since you seem to believe he is keeping your mother captive, I'd like to hear how you believe you won't end up in the same situation she's in. Your mother was the only one who got through to him, what makes you believe you won't have the same fate if you end up on some ridiculous mission to try and save her?" I was too stunned to speak. My dad wasn't a monster. No matter what, I wouldn't let myself completely fall into the thought of the man who raised me painting himself as a monster.

Maybe we were wrong. Maybe we were all wrong. What if Hades wasn't my dad? What if my dad was still the man I'd grown up loving more than anyone? The man who protected me all these years, especially from my mom. We had to be wrong. There was no other explanation.

"We have to be wrong." My voice, barely above a whisper, pierces the silence that took over the room. I couldn't bring myself to look up at anyone yet, Zeus' words cut deep, but I wouldn't let him have that satisfaction.

"What?" Jaqueline's voice rings with sympathy, almost like music to my ears. Meeting her gaze, I almost feel myself buckle out. "Are we sure I'm related to Hades? I mean what if we're wrong about that, is there a way to be sure?" I question, keeping my eyes on Jaqueline, but the question is directed to everyone in the room. Her sympathetic look becoming too much, I drop my gaze to my hands resting in my lap instead.

"Iris, we're pretty positive that based on the information you've been giving us, it would make sense that you're related to Hades. But if you feel uncertain on the matter, there is a test we can do, that way you know for sure." Zeus breaks the silence, feeling his gaze on me, I couldn't find it in myself to meet his eyes.

Shaking my head, I find myself choking back tears I didn't know were coming out. Wiping them away quickly, I bring my watery eyes to face Zeus.

"No, I'm not ready to know for sure yet." I force out, facing a fiery burn in my throat from holding back tears. He simply nods his head before standing up from his chair. Jaqueline and Ash began to do the same, but I couldn't find it in myself to do the same.

"Well, I think this meeting is just about over. We can all gather and discuss this matter another day, once we have more concrete evidence. Goodbye Iris. Jaqueline, Ash, make sure she gets home safe, okay?" Just as Zeus was about to dismiss himself from the matter and leave, I find it in myself to say one last thing.

"I may not want to know if I'm related to Hades but I do want to learn more. I want to be prepared for when I decide to accept my fate." Keeping my eyes trained on Zeus, he halts in his tracks, as if taking time to process what I've just said. With a simple nod, I thought that was the only response I was going to receive.

I wouldn't blame him either, I've been a brat all evening, and have taken it out on him especially. Yet, that didn't seem to be the case. As if gathering his words, he slowly turns to face me.

"That's fine, we can start that another day. It's getting late and I think this meeting has come to an end. Now if you'd excuse me, I'll be off." With a slight nod, he makes his way out of the room, leaving nothing but silence in his wake.

"Are you okay Iris," Ash sits back down, pulling me into him. He didn't hold Jaqueline's calming touch, but his hug was all the comfort I needed at this moment.

Recalling the events that occurred today was mentally draining. I was drained. Exhausted. I felt weak. I hated appearing weak in front of everyone. Especially Zeus. I didn't want to be painted as the damsel in distress. The one that everyone felt the need to risk their lives to save. I could hold my ground most of the time, but the way Zeus' words hung over me, I felt like a child getting scolded every single time. As if I was disappointing a parent I craved the approval of oh so badly. Just like my mom.

"Iris," Jaqueline's voice calls out, this time appearing closer than before. Feeling the surge of calm run through me the second she places her hand on my arm, I couldn't hold it together anymore. In seconds, I felt the salty streams falling from my eyes as I grab on tighter to Ash.

Feeling his warm embrace grow tighter around me, his soothing words filling my ears, I felt safe. While he'd done things to upset me, at this moment, I knew I couldn't lose him. Jaqueline and he were the only ones I could confide in when it came to the matter at hand. Without them, I wouldn't have made it this far.

"He has to be wrong. I can't be related to a monster. What does that make me?" I say through choked sobs, not sure if anyone could hear anything I was trying to say, but I knew it didn't matter. With the thoughts circling my head like a tornado, I knew Ash and Jaqueline could pick through them well enough to understand.

"Just calm down Iris, don't worry about that right now," Ash whispers in my ear before tucking me under his chin. Jaqueline tries to calm me down with her touch, but with no end in sight, she simply let's go and sits on the ground before us.

I couldn't find it in myself to stop crying. It seemed to all be setting in now. I didn't think I realized just how dangerous Hades was. If I was truly related to him. If my mom was being held captive. If this was all the case, would I be able to save her without losing myself? What if I end up just like him? If I became a monster, would Ash still stick around? Every possibility was circling my mind with no answer in sight. What if I lose myself in it all? Would everyone I care about still stick around?

 What if I lose myself in it all? Would everyone I care about still stick around?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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