Secret Love Child

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Yujin's wife Gaeul doesn't want kids, Yujin wants one. She goes to a Cafe only to see wonyoung her first love, with a kid...?

Author pov:

"Please babe, atleast think about it? Are you sure you don't want one?" Yujin asked her for the nth time this month. Everyday she asks the answer was always the same..tho She never gave up.

"Yujin stop." Gaeul warned. They have been talking about possibly having a baby almost everyday now, "my answer is final, I don't want children" she huffed in anger.

"But,wouldn't it be cute to have a little mini version of us running around the house?" Negotiating with her wife, yujin always wanted to be a mom/dad someday. It was her dream to one day settle with someone she loves and have a baby together.

Unfortunately, gaeul isn't the type to want or even like children.

"Look, honey..raising a kid is expensive and hard.." giving her tall wife a worried expression.

"I have the money my love, it wouldn't be a problem." She stepped closer to her wife "Please.. I can take care of one gaeul, we can do this" yujin said softly, reaching out to grab her wife's hands but was pushed away instead.

"I-i can't do this yujin, a child? A human child is too much to about we get an animal instead?" Looking up at her with pleading eyes.

She remembers the day when they both got married and made each other a vow. Yujin vowing to take care of Gaeul thru sickness and health, will always be there for her and would love her unconditionally.

Her vows on the other hand was vowing to always be supportive on what yujin does and would also love her unconditionally.

But now, she doesn't think that she could keep her vows anymore, of course she still loves her tall handsome wife but all these fighting on wanting to have a child is leaving her to believe that it was best to get a divorce.

Yujin sighed in defeat and nodded slowly. Of course Gaeul would never give in.

That day changed the both of them completely. And both of them thought it was for the better.

Fast forward
1 year later

Yujin and gaeul had filed a divorce 3 months after the baby talk, it was hard for the both of them but both knew it was the right thing to do, each of them wanted different things that the other can't provide. And so with a heavy heart they drifted apart.

Yujin was currently visiting LA to see her sister Ryujin who by now has a 4 year old daughter and a 2 year old baby boy. She wanted to see her older sister as it had been a long time now, also for the fact that her wife Chaeryeong makes the best chocolate chip cookies.

As she rang her sister's doorbell she heard little feet running against the floor followed by a click and the door opening to see her niece Chaejin.

"Auntie Yujin!" The little girl screamed in delight.

"Hello there sweetheart long time no see" the older greeted her with a smile as she scooped up the little girl and onto her arms "where are your parents?"

Chaejin smiled and giggled "Mommy is making cookies in the kitchen while daddy is upstairs taking care of Leo!"

"Mhm I see,let's go to your mommy okay?" Yujin said entering the large mansion slowly, she had never been in this house before so she was unfamiliar with the layouts.

"Woah," she looked around in awe, the house was huge and the interior design was just so eye pleasing.

Her daydreaming had stopped when she felt little hands poking her cheeks, followed by a giggle from her niece which made her smile.

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