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(BTW this draft was so long ago and I just had yet to discover this, so I'll be posting this today, and another one tomorrow! Enjoy!!)

Also, this is unedited so if there are grammar mistakes I'm sorry in advanced

Author pov:

Bored. Was the way to describe Yujin's situation right now. Laying on her comfortable queensized bed while her long feet were carelessly dangled off the edge.

She groaned once again as her face hit the silk pillow, oh how she wished she had just came along with gaeul who was going to buy groceries

"I hate it here..." She grumbled and whined like a child

*knock knock*

"Come in!" Yujin shouted, groggily sitting up on her bed with her troubling expression

The door opened to be Liz.

"Yujin unnie, I'm taking leesoo to school today. Please tell rei to drink lots of water after she eats the chocolates I left for her" before giving Yujin a chocolate bar herself

"Alright be careful, be home safe" the older taking the chocolate bar and soon put it on top of the drawer

Liz nodded once again, before soon after closing her door.

After they left she decided to check on Rei who was in the kitchen mindlessly eating her sweets


"Huh? What? Want one?"

The older refused and shook her head

"Your girlfriend told me to make sure you won't die young and have diabetes so drink a lot of water"

Rei could only nod as she stuffed her face with chocolates once more

"Btw Yujin Unnie, you look weird.."

The said girl furrowed her eyebrows trying to ask what did she mean


"You look dazed and bored, I recommend you to go visit wonyoung at music bank today"

"Your reason?"

The younger could only shrug her shoulders, getting a big water bottle her girlfriend forced her to finish and the whipped girl she is complied.

"She's your girlfriend I'm sure you'll be entertained just by looking at her"

Well that was true. She could stare at her goddess of a girlfriend for ages and not get an ounce of boredom whatsoever.

But frowned a bit as she knew to never bother wonyoung while she's working. That seems very inappropriate to go to someone's workplace just because you're bored

"I don't think I should bother her there," She sighed "I'll just wait for her till she comes back"

Rei raised an eyebrow "orrr you could just tell her you wanted visit to her and would leave soon after"

Yujin thought more about and decided to just go, she'll leave after anyways (lies)

"Alright, I'll go. And you better finish that big ass water bottle when I come back" her leader aura showing making Rei shiver a bit

"Nae Unnie have fun!" As she waved at Yujin who was going back to her room to change.

She changed into a dark blue graphic tee with white baggy pants and a grey cap, Yujin added abit of make-up on her face and was soon ready to go out to put on her shoes when,

Annyeongz Fluff Oneshots (j.w.y and a.y.j)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum