To the future

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11 years later

"Full moon tonight," a fire nation soldier walked across the deck of the cargo ship that glided across the sea.

"Yea whoever the dumbass is that sent a ship on a full moon this close the water tribe territory is gonna get a letter from me," the captain scoffed walking past the group of soldiers.

"Not with the raids being so frequent lately," he shook his head.

"Do you know how they do it?" A young soldier asked curiously.

"Do what?" The captain didn't understand.

"Raid against the fire nation so much, do you think it's the water tribe or the eastern rebellion?" The young soldier took off his helmet to rub the top of his head. His gold eyes flickering towards the captain.

"Nah that rebellion is false, no way it can have earth kingdom and the traitors of the fire nation working together in the waters," the captain scoffed waving him off.

"For ten years the eastern rebellion has been gaining back land in the earth kingdom, what makes the sea any different?" He smirked a little.

"Who are You kid? What kind of question is that?" The captain glared unsure who the soldier was.

"Ren sir, it's just a question my brothers been wondering," the soldier smiled and blasted a strong punch of flames at the fire nation soldiers making them all back away with a yell.

"It's the rebellion! Alert the oth-" a water arm snatched the captain and threw him into the sea as another male jumped aboard in black clothes, bending water to slam the men to the railing and froze them to the metal.

"Spirits sake You talk so much," the water bender groaned looking back at the fire bender.

"Cause someone was swimming around for to long I had to stall," Ren rolled his eyes at his twin.

"Mom and Toph already took down the back ship, it sank like two minutes ago," aito motioned behind and Ren looked back seeing a few other cargo ships on fire.


"Yea, oh," the blue eye twin scoffed.

They heard other men running towards them and aito gasped when a spear was thrown at him but a wave of fire moved it to the ground. Aito looked at Ren who groaned more annoyed.

"Fuck, kaio!" Aito looked around and saw another boy in black.

"Who gave you orders to board? I know it wasn't pops or chief," Ren stormed over to the other fire bender.

"That's such a nice thank you for saving your life big brother," a thirteen year old boy with auburn eyes stuck out his tongue.

"Yea it's almost as nice as the thank you pops and moms gonna give you when they ground you," aito sighed shaking his head.

"Let's just finish the job," he tsked at the two fire benders.

"Oooo someone's in trouble," Toph sang as the three boys jumped off the small boat and walked through the shallow water to the sand.

"They know?" Kaio asked whining a little.

"Oh yea they know," she chuckled.

"Yea he wasn't even suppose to go," Suki raised a brow at them.

"Don't get me started," Ren covered his face as aito took the lead from his brothers.

"How pissed?" The sixteen year old pursed his lips looking at his aunts.

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