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"Ren Ren Ren Ren!" Aito screamed tackling his brother as Zuko was folding their clothes to actually fit in the bags instead of them being thrown in.

"Ren, pops, there's a monster outside our house," aito gasped as Ren grunted throwing him back off.

"A monster?" Ren asked.

"Big and hairy! It has these two horns on its head and a lot of legs," he explained as Zuko clipped the two small bags of his boys clothes and grabbed their jackets.

"That's just appa, he's a bison," Zuko stood up.

"You know it?!" Aito squealed.

"I wanna see!" Ren ran to a window.

"He flys and doesn't bite that much, I told you about him," Zuko raised a brow as the boys gasped in awe seeing Sokka and Katara getting on appa while Suki and Toph helped them load.

"You definitely can fit in his nose," aito nodded wide eyes.

"Alright, got blankets, stuffies, jackets and shoes, all good?" Zuko asked as he pulled on his shoes and went to help Ren put on a jacket so they wouldn't be cold on the ride to the camp.

"I'm all good papa," aito nodded as he held his bear to his chest and handed Ren his badger mole.

Zuko looked at the four year olds anxiously, they've never gone away long from the house, they were safe here. He knew they had too and he wouldn't be able to leave them.

Aito walked over and held his hand tightly.

"I'm excited to meet your uncle papa," aito smiled up at him.

"Yea! He seems really nice," ren agreed as Zuko picked up their bags and put ren on his shoulders so he could hold aitos hand still.

"He's going to adore you guys," Zuko gulped.

"If you need to talk you pull me to the side and I'll listen okay? Any thoughts in your head I'll listen too," he told them as they walked down the stairs and ren put his hands on zukos head to stay close.

"Yep, it's team work," Ren smiled down at him and aito pushed the door open for them.

"Zuko, you and the kids ready?" Suki asked walking over as they were finishing.

"Yea we're good and packed, back to the road I guess," Zuko took Ren off his shoulders and the four year old ran over to appa.

"Let's get going guys! We need to get to camp by sunrise!" Suki called back to the others and Zuko walked with them as aito held his hand tighter now.

Zuko smiled down at him but appa came over and licked Zuko with his large tongue almost pushing him over.

"Wow..." aito gasped as Zuko patted appas nose only to be licked again.

"Hey appa, meet the boys, aito and Ren," Zuko smiled gently at the bison as ren was excited and aito hid behind his fathers legs.

"So soft," ren touched him.

"Hey old man are we riding it?" He looked back at them amazed.

"Yep," Zuko picked up aito and went to the back to walk up appas tail to get on the saddle.

"Aw look at all of us together all these years later," Sokka cooed as he helped Suki on as Katara took the reins on the other side of the saddle.

"Once we get Aang back it'll really feel like old times," Suki smiled sitting with them but no one commented after. She sat there awkwardly regretting bringing up the name.


"Alright let's go, yipp yipp," Katara rolled her eyes a little and snapped the reins to take off.

Aito gasped crawling into zukos lap immediately and hung onto him as they lifted off the ground while Ren was almost leaning half his body over the side. Suki had a tight grip on the back of Ren's shirt.

"Papa look!" Ren laughed excitedly. "We're flying!"

Zuko smiled at him as he held aito in his lap while his son peaked over seeing they were above the trees.

"Pretty cool right?" Sokka smiled as Suki pulled him back in the saddle.

"Old man have you been on here too? You fly'd before?" The four year old spun around wide eyes.

"I have, you get use to it," Zuko smiled gently at him as Ren crawled over to him to see their view.

"It's to high papa," aito hid his face against zukos neck.

"No kidding, I don't what's worst, boats or flying," Toph stuck out her tongue.

"Flying, it's flying," aito shook a little but the grip around him by his father made him feel safe. While the other twin had no fear going over as far as he could to see below them as they reached the clouds.

"Aw Zuko how'd you raise such a sweet boy? You use to be a shit show and chaos," Suki smirked at them as everyone chuckled.

"Remember when you lost your fire for a day and threw a tantrum over it?" Toph laughed.

"Or when you broke me out of prison and didn't have an actual plan for most of it?" Suki teased.

"Hey we had a plan!" Sokka defended.

"It's more you two are smart but when your together it's cancels each other out," Katara turned around with a smile. She could tell with everyone talking with no fear of the height it made aito relax seeing it was okay.

"I'm smart," Zuko scoffed.

"Zuko you challenge me in the snow..." she smirked over at him and he rolled his eyes.

He was quiet knowing better.

"Okay and?" He huffed making aito giggle.

"Pops thought he had both of us at the market and forgot Ren at the house, but he started crying because he thought he left Ren at the market and couldn't find him," aito sat up to join the adults and everyone started laughing.

"I wasn't crying," Zuko ruffled his sons hair rolling his eyes.

"You yelled a lot," he looked up at him smiling.

"Because you two drive me nuts," Zuko smiled hugging him a little and aito giggled snuggling against him as he watched over the side of the saddle to watch the clouds around them.

Katara glanced over seeing the boy getting quiet again, his blue eyes watched his surroundings calmly as his small fists were clinging against zukos shirt. Their blue eyes matched, he noticed her and they kept contact for a moment. A sickening feeling sat in Kataras gut, he looked at her with curiosity. But stayed calm as he stared at the water bender, she couldn't take her eyes off the child, like she was stuck.

Aito was the one to look away and rest his head against zukos chest tiredly. Katara blinked a few times as Zuko smiled down at the twin and ran his hand through his hair gently.

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