Has been couldve been

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"Hey I'm back," Katara carried in some bags with fresh fruits and bread as Zuko was already cooking dinner for them.

"Hey love," Zuko walked over and kissed her sweetly.

"Smells good in here," Katara smiled against his lips as she looked up at him softly.

"Just finishing dinner, Can you get the boys and have them set the table?" He kissed her cheek before taking her bags for her.

"Yea are they in the back?" She walked past him going to the back door.

"Mmhm, I think they're by the pond," Zuko nodded as he emptied the bags.

"I'll be back," she winked back before going outside.

"Ren, aito?" Katara walked outside and saw the twins playing on a swing that was tied to a tree.

"Mama!" Ren gasped happily dropping his toy and ran to her.

"Did you get the fruits!" He hugged his mother with a bright smile as aito was sitting on the swing.

"I got you raspberry's and your brother mangos for some treats later," Katara knelt down to pick up the child.

"Thank you mama," he hugged her tightly and Katara walked over to the other twin.

"Come on aito, your papas finishing dinner," she held her hand out for him to take. His blue eyes looking at her suspiciously as he didn't move from the swing.

"Why did you leave?" Aito asked not looking at her with any signs of love for his mother.

"You left us mama, all three of us," he whispered with tears running down his face.

Katara gasped awake as Suki was shaking her awake slightly.

"Hey let's go," Suki woke her up as Katara looked confused looking around. It was a dream.

"It's dawn?" She pushed herself to her feet and started to pack up her sleeping bag.

Looking over the fire was completely out and Zuko was gone from where he was sleeping before. She couldn't get use to having him back in her life, or even having so many of her friends in her life again. Being alone for all those years made her depend on herself.

"Yep, just gotta organize our stuff again then back in the sky," Suki smiled as she crawled back onto appa. Katara started to get her supplies together and joined everyone back on the bison.

"Did you get enough sleep?" Toph asked sitting against the front of the saddle.

Katara rolled her eyes knowing she'd get crap for being the last one up and went to the front to grab the reins. Sokka was talking to Zuko as the boys were catching up over the time they lost.

Zuko seemed relaxed with a soft smile hearing the story's his old friend was telling him, working with his tribe again, taking on the leadership role that Sokka suited well, to become the next chief of the water tribe.

"Appa yipp yipp,"

They took off in the sky as Sokka grabbed a map to set in the center of saddle to look at where their targeted land was.

"Toph where was the place you said had suspicion of Aang?" Sokka asked looking at the map of the earth kingdom and fire nation together.

"Between ba sing si and the desert was the most talk," Toph had her arms crossed.

"But you said Aang was by my bar?" Zuko frowned.

"That's all the way over by tachi Dai, not by the capital," Suki pointed out.

Zuko studied the map as he looked at where Aang was said to be but back at his town, where could Aang be headed? Or he could be headed no where, to go where he feels.

"Katara when's the last time you've been to omashu?" Zuko asked looking at the map.

"About a year and a half, but bumi is with the White lotus back with iroh," Katara turned back to them tilting her head to the side.

Sokka pointed around where Aang might be and why as Suki and Katara tried to reason while Zuko was quiet for a while thinking. He stared at the map with his hand against his chin and his eyes narrowed.

"He's heading towards the eastern air temple," Zuko cut in and everyone went silent.

"How?" Suki made a face.

"He hops temple to temple, if you think about it he probably was at the western air temple, it would make the most sense how and why he was by the north west of the earth kingdom and now moving to the lower eastern side," Zuko pointed at the map and moved his finger to the air temple.

"It's Aang, he finds the temple sacred and safe, hard for anyone to get there," he crossed his arms still focused.

"Are You sure he's going there? I've been looking for four years-" "I spent three years doing the same thing, I have a gut feeling," Zuko cut Katara off with a sharp look.

"We're trusting a gut feeling?" Suki questioned him.

"It's a start, and it's not far fetched," Toph agreed.

"So we head to the Eastern air temple then?" Sokka looked at them confused.

"Isn't that the only one we haven't been too?" He asked his sister.

"Oh I've been there a few times, met a guru guy, he knew Aang but hasn't seen him since the fall of ba sing si," Katara told him with a shrug.

"That's a three day trip, are we going to take that much time to see if Aang is even at this temple or are we going for Azula?" Suki looked at them unsure not knowing if they lost that time if it would put them even more back.

"We're going for Aang, and not stopping as much as possible," Zuko nodded.

"Are we in agreement for going to the air temple?" Sokka raised a brow.

"We don't have much of an option, we'll head in the direction of the eastern air temple but that also means the chance of seeing those villages again that had word of someone like Aang, we could ask some too on the way," Katara offered, Toph and Zuko were the only ones that seemed unsure with that.

"Okay," Sokka agreed.

"I'll stay back when you guys go to the earth kingdom villages," Zuko told them but Sokka seemed confused by that.

"Why?" He snorted.

"People are started to point out the eyes of fire nation, we don't look like earth kingdom people," Zuko pursed his lips.

"People are scared, they get violent when they see someone with gold eyes," Toph added knowing better. She's heard and been around so much the last few years.

"Toph your pale with black hair like zuko, but your earth kingdom, wouldn't you get harassed too since you don't have color in your eyes?" Suki asked worried.

"I have but my bending proves I'm not," Toph nodded.

"Wait so people are seriously harassing the fire nation civilians that escaped?" Sokka was in disbelief.

"You've been on a boat, you haven't seen how it's been," Katara gulped a little.

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