The Pub

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A fist slammed into a mans jaw as a glass fell and shattered on the ground. The man with long black hair and a stubble shadow on his face held his face where he was punched and glared back at the man with sharp gold eyes.

"Fucking pussy, gonna hit back?" The drunk spat as the twenty four year old glared darkly.

The young man slammed his forehead into the drunks head and slammed his face into the counter on the side as everyone stopped and watched.

"You gonna disrespect me in my own bar? This isn't a place for your violence so I'm going to ask again for you to leave," he smushed the mans face into the wooden counter calmly.

"I said get the fuck out," he lead him to the door with his hand in his hair and kicked him past the door.

"Anyone else got a problem?!" He called back to the mans group of friends. They all shook their heads and he nodded liking the answer.

"Hey Lee, go get that looked at, your nose is bleeding," the woman behind the bar filling a drink told him sternly and he touched his nose feeling it on his lips.

"I'll be right back," he said in a low tone.

He went upstairs to his home above the pub and grabbed a rag from the table in the middle. He held it to his nose tilting his head up as he went to his bathroom annoyed.

"Dumb drunks," he groaned looking in the mirror and started to wipe the blood away.

"Ren, Aito, you two still awake?" Zuko walked out of the bathroom and went to one of the bedrooms to see twin four year old boys sleeping side by side. They were almost identical but one was tanner than the other even with their hair being the same, the paler twin also had freckles covering his face.

"Hey Ren," Zuko whispered poking at the tan twin, he woke up with bright gold eyes and swatter the adults hand away.

"It's bedtime pops," he covered his face with the pillow. Zuko smirked a little.

"How's aito doing?" Zuko asked anyways and Ren finally sat up with fluffy dark brown hair and looked at the pale twin.

"He's been sleeping all day, can I come down to the pub by you?" Ren asked with a yawn reaching for his father.

"Sure buddy, just stay by me or yuna," Zuko smiled picking up his son.

"Your nose is red," he pointed out.

"Had to kick out a jerk," the adult kissed the side of his twins head and let him rest his head on his shoulder.

"How come aito is so sick? We like playing by you," Ren asked with a sigh as they walked down the stairs.

"I use to get really sick like that when I was your age so I think it's just something I accidentally passed down," Zuko told him and set Ren down when he opened the door.

"Stay behind the counter and let me know if you go outside," he patted his sons head a yuna waved at the four year old.

"Hi yuna!" Ren ran over to her and they high fived

"Hey little man, how was the nap?" Yuna chuckled.

"I'm getting to old for naps," he pouted.

"Lee that blind girl is back asking bout You," she called to him as Zuko put his hair up in a messy bun as some pieces fell around his face.

"Again? Dammit, alright," he sighed shaking his head. Yuna looked at Ren who looked at her just as curious.

"Your small, badger moles might eat you," yuna told him smirking. The four year olds jaw dropped.

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