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"Then I traveled with that guru that use to stay at the air temple and he went to the southern air temple and he's still there, said the aura is bad," Aang told everyone what he's been up to the last few years.

"Then I went back to the eastern air temple and made a few stops, takes a lot longer when you don't have a bison," he smiled.

"So where's momo? Is he not with you?" Suki asked raising a brow.

"Oh he's right here," Aang poked under his shirt and a lemur tail slipped out and wiggled. He was sleeping.

"So what's been new with you guys? Are you two engaged yet or married?" Aang looked at Suki and Sokka.

"Uh no," Suki sent Sokka a look as he squeaked.

"We've been doing long distance!" Sokka whined in defense.

"I told Suki if I'm going to marry her then I'm going to make sure we don't have to wait months of being apart, I want to be with you for a while, and it has to be after the war," Sokka explained as he wrapped Suki in a hug as she kept her arms crossed.

"Yet my finger feels so naked with nothing,"
She hummed making Sokka whine more.

"Have You guys had partners? Any warriors that stuck around?" Aang looked at the other three.

"Been busy leading the rebellion," Toph said flatly.

"I have a safe zone pub," Zuko had his arms crossed.

"Vigilante, I have a wanted poster," Katara raised her hand from the front.

"So no romance in your lives, got it," he pursed his lips.

"Wait Zuko you've been out of the war too?" Aang asked confused.

"For almost four years yea," Zuko nodded.

"Hypocrite," Sokka smirked.

"Toph knew where I was," Zuko shrugged.

"And my uncle, and the white lotus, if I was needed, well obviously I get dragged back into it, plus I've been busy raising my kids," Zuko sent Sokka a look making him and Suki snicker.

"Kids? Your a dad?" Aang gasped wide eyes.

"Twin boys," he nodded casually.

"What?!" Aang screamed.

"What?" Zuko raised a brow.

"Did not think you'd be a dad, it's so surprising," Aang was in shock still but Zuko glared.

"Why is it so surprising I can be a dad?" He asked sarcastically.

"Because You had such great role models," Toph laughed a little.

"No no no it's just, you don't like kids I thought," Aang tried to justify it quickly.

"I don't," he nodded.

"But mine are evil and they've grown on me for a while, can't get rid of them now I guess, they know where I live and bite ankles," Zuko said flatly.

"What are their names?" Aang asked with an excited smile.

"Ren and aito," he answered.

"Aww I'm so excited for you! You must be so happy with a family!" Aang clapped happily.

"I enjoy it yea, my boys are my world," Zuko nodded.

"What's your wife's name?" He asked.

"I don't have a wife?" Zuko rolled his eyes.

"Wha- so like it's just you? Where's their mother?" Aang didn't seem to understand.

"She not around, don't bring it up again," he warned.

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