Morning masters

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"Good morning bumi, good morning master jong jong," Ren waved over at the two old men drinking their morning tea as he was waiting for his brother.

"Good morning young man," Jong jong bowed his head.

"Hello there Ren, how did you sleep?" Bumi smiled. The masters enjoyed having young company in their camp, the boys were so kind to have around they definitely would be missed when they go home.

"Good, I miss having my pops back, he got to read us a bed time story," Ren told them happily.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" Bumi asked setting a cup down in front of him.

"Yes please," he sat with them. Aito yawned walking over and sat next to him and leaned his weight on his brother.

"Good morning aito," Bumi chuckled setting another cup down for him.

"Good morning king Bumi, good morning master jong jong," aito yawned tiredly.

"How did you sleep?" Jong jong smiled a little at the sleepy boy.

"Good, I'm tired still," he rubbed his eyes and got off his brother before holding the cup of tea for Bumi to pour him a cup.

"Did you boys meet the avatar?" Pakku walked over to join for morning tea.

"Master Pakku the avatar isn't real," Ren giggled.

"I said he isn't relevant, at the moment he also was supposedly dead, did your father tell you about him? And his past lives?" Pakku raised a brow at them with a small smile. They were able to make up over the few days they shared the camp. The children were easy to bribe to forgive.

"Yes but everyone at the pub said he was only a legend, like spirits, and told stories about the other avatars," aito looked at him confused.

"That is true but legends come from somewhere right? The avatar has returned, to help finish the war," Pakku explained as Aang was walking by.

"How?" Ren tilted his head to the side.

"He's very powerful, not just spiritually but a very powerful bender," Bumi told the boys but they didn't buy it.

"Oh speaking of which, Aang! Why don't you join us lad!" He saw the avatar walking and Aang smiled at the masters and did join them.

"Hey everyone, oh hey your a little young to be masters," Aang sat across the table from the twins.

"I'm Ren," the golden eye boy raised his hand.

"I'm aito," the blue eye one smiled.

"Zukos children?" Aang inhaled a deep breath amazed a little finally getting to meet them.

He looked at the twins realizing how similar they looked like Zuko in a way, but the blue eye one was throwing him off. He wondered what their mother looked like if they took most of zukos looks, they had similar smiles but the blue eye one acted very similar like him.

"Youre the avatar?" Aito looked at him frowning.

"I am, I'm guessing you've never met an air bender before," Aang grinned playfully at them.

"I also never met a water bender before ms Katara, or a metal bender before ms Toph," aito sipped his tea calmly. Pakku and jong jong chuckled a little at the boy.

"Yea but I'm the last one, pretty rare," he took it lightly.

"Toph is the first one," Ren giggled.

"So is the war over now that we have You back and Azula captured?" Aito asked with those big blue eyes staring at him with a similar calm expression like Zuko. Very serious and intense.

"Aha.. no not yet," Aang rubbed his head awkwardly.

"Oh, why not? What do you have to do now?" He asked again.

"We have to take down the fire lord," Aang nodded smiling to keep it light hearted.

"Oh yea, papa said he's really mean, like meaner than our aunt, that's why they have to kill him," aito looked at his brother remembering.

"Pops said stop being morbid," Ren rolled his eyes.

"You don't even know what morbid means," aito pointed.

"Neither do you!"


The boys started to raise their voices at each other as the old men found it amusing like a show almost as Aang was trying to stop them from yelling, panicked and unable to get a word in.

"Oi why the fighting?" Zuko called trom the tent.

"HE STARTED IT!" the twins pointed at the other.

"And I'll finish it!" Zuko rolled his eyes and they both pouted.

"Sorry bout them masters," he sighed going over to the table.

"They're fine, the young princes have such enjoyable personalities," Jong jong smiled sipping his tea.

"I forgot your royalty Zuko," bumi snorted a little and Aang agreed.

"Yea I don't really think I count as royalty after all these years, Sokka wants me to take the throne once Ozai is defeated," Zuko pursed his lips awkwardly.

"Why don't you?" Pakku asked curiously.

"The palace doesn't hold good memories, and I rather be a father than a fire lord, it's hard to do both, especially after the mess that will be left behind from the lunatic," Zuko shrugged a little and glanced at the boys who's jaws dropped.

"You can be king?!" Ren squealed, aito covered his ears glaring a little at the shouting.

"It's not just being king or just sitting in a throne, with the war it would be building a country again, and I don't have a lot of the fire nation that likes me," Zuko huffed a little looking away.

"Does it count at being banished again or just disowned?" He looked at jong jong.

"I count myself as disowned," jong jong nodded calmly.

"Papa I'm really tired, can I go back to bed?" Aito rubbed his eyes and Zuko knelt down to him worried.

"You're not getting sick again are you?" Zuko touched his forehead softly. Aito shook his head but reached up wanted to be held. Zuko picked him up with a sigh knowing his son missed him.

"Ren did he sleep a lot too when I was gone?" Zuko asked as Ren wanted to be picked up too, Zuko easily reached down and picked up the other twin walking away so the masters could enjoy their breakfast.

"Umm no he and grandpa stayed up," Ren crawled over as Zuko grunted getting him up on his shoulders. Aito scooted and laid on zukos chest as they walked.

"Aito did you not sleep?" He asked worried.

"It was hard to sleep papa," Aito whined a little closing his eyes.

"He kept bothering grandpa and Pakku because he's a water bender," Ren ratted him out smirking.

"And apparently our other grandpa Hakoda," he grinned as Aito glared up at him.

"Oi stop snitching," Aito scoffed.

"I just had questions and was bored," he tsked rolling his eyes.

"Wow being a parent is such a reward," Zuko mumbled as the twins argued and Ren had a grip on his head and hair while aito was wiggling. Neither wanted to be set down yet either.

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