Sticking around

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"Aang just wait a moment," Katara chased after the avatar as he ignored and avoided her all day. He hasn't said anything since he found out the truth.

"Just fucking hold on-" Katara grabbed his arm but Aang ripped her hand off and spun towards her. She saw anger in his eyes and disgust.

"What?" He looked down at her. Katara stepped back not realizing how much he truly grew over the years.

"What could you possibly want from me?!" Aang raised his voice a little when he snapped.

"Are you that angry about me lying?" She glared back.

"Yes!" Aang yelled again.

"You first of all being with Zuko when you've known I've been in love with you, how in the hell does that happen? He was one of our close friends yes but he was an enemy before that! You two are opposites!" He threw his hand up confused.

"You do not get a say on my relationships," Katara whispered in disgust looking at him like a stranger.

"Katara we were suppose to be together," aangs jaw trembled a little.

"Says who?" She sighed shaking her head.

"you left, it was after the comet, you were gone, he was here! Zuko is a good man and is apart of my family because he is here," she growled, Aang rolled his eyes a little.

"If I stayed your telling me we had a chance? If I stayed Zuko wouldn't have been your fiancé?" Aang spat in disgust.

"No, I'm not saying that, I loved him, You don't get to play a card like that, I was happy with him and I love him," Katara snarled back.

"And That's why your so close with your sons?" He narrowed his eyes.

Katara felt her body shaking in rage. She felt like a fool. She inhaled a deep breath

"I'm such an idiot," she laughed a little.

"The boy savior, the all mighty and powerful avatar, the being that controls all elements, the bridge of both worlds," Katara motioned to him smiling sarcastically.

"What a fucking joke, your still a child,"

"I came to talk to you but for fuck sake Aang why should I? I told you the truth but honestly I can't stand you now, I wasted time, I wasted my life looking for you," she laughed a little more in disbelief.

"Life's not fair, that's just how it is," Katara crossed her arms.

"We're not friends, I'm done, don't talk to me like we're friends, I told you the truth and that's where I'm done, and you stay away from those kids, got it?" Kataras smile harden into a sneer as Aang stayed quiet finally.

"Katara we still have the war.." Aang whimpered a little.

"I know, and while we're here I'll be polite, but I won't be your friend, I won't be your mommy, I will not be your forever girl," she spat and finally walked away before she yelled again.

Aang clenched his fists tightly as she kept her back to him.

She didn't understand. She didn't understand what he had to run from. That he didn't just leave but he left her behind too... she doesn't understand.

It hurt so much.

"Hey everything okay? We heard Aang yelling," Zuko was standing outside his tent while the twins were napping and Katara was passing by.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," she sighed heavily feeling like she could breathe again.

"Are you okay?" He asked again calmly.

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