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The trio patrolled around the cities looking for something unusual, it was the first day of the internship with Hawks but there wasn't anything that special to it.

Izuku saw the poster hanging from the utility poles, the photo of Uraraka and a "wanted" message was printed in the piece of weak paper hanging on by a sole piece of tape.

They walked around the streets of Kyushu and occasionally passed by a chicken restaurant and ate a bit there, but there wasn't anything interesting to it at all.

At one point when they were walking in a somewhat crowded street Izuku bumped into a lady who seemed in a rush to get somewhere.

"Ah... sorry young man..! I need to get going, see ya!" The lady said, her eyes glued to Izuku's face and widening a bit.

Izuku stayed silent as he escaped the situation and continued with his path along Bakugou and Hawks, although it did seem a little strange of an incident he let it slip.

About a mile away from the bump, they got to stop a robbery from a house and a villain attack on a group of teens. The day was pretty uneventful but there was nothing they could do, they had chosen this internship after all.

When they got back to the agency they got into their rooms and texted for a while, they chilled in their rooms until the next day.

As they were patrolling the next day Hawks explained their goal for today, today they actually had a specific goal.

"Okay we are going to search for these popular drug dealers," Hawks explained, as he showed some photos of the men they were looking for.

"They have been spotted once near an abandoned building, so we are searching there first, but if we don't find them we'll have to search the whole city" Hawks instructed.

"What kind of drug are they selling?" Izuku asked just in case.

"It's called the devil drug, it's a dust that if you breathe it in you'll be unconscious but still awake, they can boss you around like you were a child while you can't do anything about it" Hawks explained and warned the teens about the danger of the drug.

The three headed to the building and began to inspect the area, it was a tall building with lots of floors.

They all separated to cover more area quicker, Izuku was on the highest floor checking for clues of anything that might lead to the culprits.

He ended up finding a bag of white dust in one of the cabinets of a big table, he hurried to get to Hawks but before he got out of the room he felt a stinging pain in the lower part of his leg.

"Fuck!" Izuku cussed under his breath as he raised his leg and brushed away the thing that caused the pain, turns out it was a small, smooth, and black spider that bit him.

The tiny creature hurdled away making noise with its little jointy legs, its eyes sparking strangely but jumping out the window soon enough.

Izuku groaned in annoyance, he covered his little red bite mark and headed down to Bakugou and Hawks to deliver the bag he found. And of course he never said anything about the spider, what were you even expecting?

They worked hard on finding the thugs but they could never find them anywhere, the week passed by figuring out where these villains were hiding, which led them to Hosu.

So off they went to Hosu on the fifth day in the internship, that same Friday they started to search the whole city until night rushed over them.

The night was excessively black that day, which caused the three males to separate into completely different paths, but that darkness didn't last long, soon the fire was lighting up the night sky like fireworks at a party.

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