1.32 Market Day Part One

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Iris could feel the excitement welling up as she rode on Caspian's back. It was nice to feel the wind in her hair and his soft fur beneath her as he ran full speed through the forest.

It was finally market day and Iris was eager to both buy and sell many things. The last few days had been spent hard at work finishing the last preparations for the market.

Iris had even sent Caspian to make wooden planks and rods as well as gather vines, since Holly really wanted to buy a bed more than anything else. Thus she had bundled up the planks and rods with vines and hung them over top of Caspian's back for easier travel.

Three mattresses had also been completed using the last of the grass mats and leaves. When rolled up tightly and bound with vines, the mattresses could just barely be put inside Iris's bag. Luckily, despite an item's dimensions having to fit the width of the bag, any length of an item was not an issue.

All of the clothing, pillows, and dishware had also been placed inside the bag for selling as well. None of this, of course, would be directly pulled out in front of others. Caspian would have to rent an inn room for some privacy first.

When they arrived at the familiar Blue Lake City, Iris climbed off of Caspian and pulled the bundles of planks off of his back. She then handed him a beast skin after he transformed. Iris did not feel shy when gazing upon her husband's naked form anymore, but she still did not think it was proper to go around nude in front of others.

Caspian gave Iris a flirty look as he saw her checking him out. Iris blushed and turned away as she said exasperatedly,

"Just hurry up and get dressed."

Caspian gave a warm chuckle, pulling Iris in for a kiss once he was properly dressed. Caspian then pulled her hood up over her face, nodding to himself in satisfaction. There would be no avoiding showing off her beauty at the pageant next week, but for now, he would hide her away to keep her safe.

Caspian secured the wooden bundles around his shoulders before scooping Iris up into his arms. He quickly showed the guards his celestial beast tattoo and then entered the city.

As it was the first market day of the rainy season, the city was busier than the previous time Iris had visited. There were both more single males and females with their mates out today, enjoying the little bit of sun that was peeking through the clouds.

It was possible that it would rain today, but Iris was hopeful the good weather would hold out. Caspian immediately made his way over to the inn and booked them a room, only setting Iris down once they were safely inside.

"I'd prefer if I could leave you inside while I sold everything, it's far too busy today. I worry you'll get lost in the crowd while I'm distracted or worse....."

Iris just rolled her eyes as she continued to pull items out from her bag. They had already had this conversation numerous times this week. It was not much safer to leave Iris cooped up and alone in the inn room than for her to remain by Caspian's side. She would just have to stick to him like glue and not wander off.

"We've already discussed this. It isn't practical and I want to enjoy the market today too. Besides, Holly and her mates are supposed to patronize our shop today and I'd like to be there to see her."

Caspian continued to grumble but dropped the matter as he knew Iris was right. He soon had his arms full of goods to carry out. He was carrying all the wood, vines, pillows, and mattresses so that he could immediately assemble a bed once their animal skin was set up. Iris would be in charge of setting up the dishware and clothing items. For easy transport, items were tied up into large animal skin bags.

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