I glanced to my left and suddenly saw Bdubs. I couldn't see his face from this angle but his face was bowed. If Bdubs was there it must be Etho carrying him. I risked a glance up and confirmed it. I looked to Bdubs again and this time we made eye contact. Bdubs looked oddly guilty before opening his mouth.

"Etho he's awake" Bdubs murmured.

"No problem" Etho replied, "that can be easily solved". Etho threw me on the ground and raised his axe.

"Wait wait, fellas listen" I pleaded, "surely that's not necessary" I gave Etho a lopsided grin in an attempt to hide my terror.

"I'm afraid it is" Etho replied coldly.

I stared at Bdubs, who looked back with a grim face. And that was the last thing I saw before it all went black.

This time when I felt like waking up, it was with much more difficulty. I had a splitting headache and my eyes refused to open. I tried to use my other senses to get a grip of where I was. I listened for sound. There was voices. I tried to figure out what they were saying.

"-did well. I'll take it from here" came the sound of Ren's voice.

I groaned as a wave of pain came over me. I realised my arms and legs were tied down with heavy chains, as well as another chain that looped around my neck, hinting that if I struggled I'd choke.

I forced my eyes open. I saw a blurry red shape turn to look at him, the figure coming closer as my vision focused. I noticed I was in some kind of room with stone walls.

"I see you're awake" Ren said simply.

"Ren you have no idea what you're messing with" I whispered, "you're making a mistake".

"Am I?" Ren laughed, "big talk for someone chained to the floor".

"The Watchers are not your friends" I pleaded, "they're just using you".

"I know that perfectly well" Ren snarled, "we have an agreement".

"You're a bad king" I shot back, "you don't care for your subjects".

"Silence" Ren grabbed me by the throat before slamming me against the wall, "you know nothing". I let out a gasp of pain, writhing under his grip.

"Please don't hurt him..." came a weak voice. I strained to look and realised Joel was there. He was chained to the floor and covered in bruises and cuts. What struck me the most was his eyes. Their usual shade of emerald green had been replaced with a neon purple.

"Shut up" Ren growled, "I didn't say you could speak". Joel shut his mouth immediately.

"What did you do to him?" I whispered in shock.

"He listens to me now" Ren laughed, "he will be quite useful".

"Ren..." I trailed off. I stared into the madman's eyes. It felt so odd to see him like this. It was so... unlike him.

"Now, you will stay here until I decide what to do with you" Ren said, "I'm guessing they will want you alive".

"Ren please don't do it..." I sighed, "you don't know what you're getting yourself into".

"Oh yes I do" Ren smiled, "Xelqua".
I froze.

"Oh did you really expect they wouldn't tell me what you are?" Ren's smile widened, "quite a surprise really, not something I'd expect from the server's troublemaker".

"I-" I was speechless.

"Goodbye Grian" Ren released his grip on my throat, "I'll be back later". With a swish of his tail Ren disappeared up a tunnel and out of sight. I looked over to Joel desperately.

"What did he do to you?" I asked. Joel shook his head frantically. I frowned.

"Can you not speak?" I asked instead. Joel nodded.

"Wait, when he said you listen to him now, he meant it literally?" Joel nodded again.
"That's really annoying" I sighed, "has he hurt you?". Joel shook his head.

"Lizzie and Sausage have been frantic" I said guiltily, "I'm so sorry I left you alone, I didn't know what to do". Joel gave me a look, one that said 'it's alright'. Then another look passed his face, one full of serious question.

"You want to know why Ren called me that?" I sighed. Joel nodded.

"It's because the Watchers have been chasing me for a long time and finally found me" I took a deep breath, "because I was once one of them". Joel's eyes widened in shock.

"You probably hate me now" I sobbed, trying to hold back the tears "I'm sorry I lied to you".

Joel shook his head. He gave me a weak smile. Joel dragged himself over to me as far as his chains would allow him. I copied and closed the distance. Joel pulled me into an awkward hug. I hugged him tight, letting out a choked sob. Tears started streaming down my face, soaking Joel's robes.

"I promise" I whispered, "I promise I will fix this".

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