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I was panicking. The moment I saw ᔑ╎ᑑᔑ⨅ and ∷ᒷ╎⋮𝙹 joined the game he hadn't had a moments rest. No one other than myself and the admins could see it. The admins didn't know that of course, I would probably get some eyebrows raised at me if they did find out.

The moment I saw it a wave of painful memories bombarded me. Then fear settled in. I suddenly remembered my dream i had the night before I went through the rift, when the Watcher's invaded my mind space for the first time in seasons. How had they managed to track me here? I thought I'd be safe.

My mind wandered back to what they said.
We have someone. And he will not fail us.

Who was he? Who could possibly be able to do that other than Xisuma?

And secondly why?

So many questions I didn't have the answers to.

Hopefully we would be able to clear things up at the meeting tonight. I knew I had important information, but I couldn't tell anyone without outing myself. No one knew he was a Watcher, not even Xisuma. I hid it so deeply not even my code showed it. I sighed, feeling conflicted. Maybe I would have to, if we didn't want to risk the Watcher's breaching the code wall. My friends safety came before mine always.

I wondered what Etho and Ren had to do with this. Fwip had asked if anyone had seen them earlier. I personally hadn't seen either of them since they tried to to dethrone Ren. I hoped with this change of scenery Ren had given up on being king. Although knowing him, that wasn't likely.

I jumped as my communicator buzzed.

<Fwip> We're ready when everyone else is

The meeting place was at the join area next to Hermitopia, so I just had to walk over.

<Grian> On my way

I stood up and began walking towards the meeting place. I wondered how many people would show up. I figured most people would be there as any problem in the server was instantly everyone's problem.

The meeting place came into view. I counted the people there. Fwip, Xisuma, Scott, Joel, Tango, Pix, Impulse, Pearl, Gem, Katherine, Sausage, Jimmy, Shelby, Lizzie, Cleo, and more. It seemed everyone was here. I frowned. Nearly everyone. Joey was missing, as was Bdubs. I doubted Joey would turn up, a pirate would hardly have a care about other's welfare. I was shocked about Bdubs though, it was unlike him to not show. Ren and Etho weren't there but that was hardly a surprise.

"Hey guys have I missed anything?" I greeted the Hermit's and Emperor's warmly.

"Nope we were just about to start" Xisuma assured me.

"Has anyone seen Bdubs?" Fwip asked, "he said he'd be here".

"I saw him earlier" Gem offered, "but I'm not sure where he is now".

"We'll just have to start without him" Fwip sighed, "is everyone listening?" The crowd of people nodded. Fwip glanced at Xisuma, who stepped forward.

"When Ren and Etho joined the server, a third and fourth member joined with a username in a language that neither of us understand" Xisuma started, "we believe it's some kind of glitch and we're worried it's done something to them".

I understand it, I thought, but I can't say that.

Stay hidden.

Don't let them see what you are.

Not if you want them to like you.

I shook my head, clearing my mind of the dark thoughts. I would do what must be done to prevent the Watchers from hurting my friends again, even if it meant they hated me.

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