06 - He's Human Too

Start from the beginning

"Ew no! I mean it's not about anyone that I know of"

"Look, all I know is that most guys are weird, gross, and fucking pathetic" Sunoo rolled his eyes at the thought of 'those' types of men

'Why isn't he getting the message? You know what, Fuck it. I'm going all in' Jungwon thought before facing Sunoo who was stepping off the escalator

"I'm going to say a secret to you and fucking swear to your life you won't tell anybody else" Jungwon closed the gap between the two staring at Sunoo's surprised and baffled eyes not caring at the people looking at them like they were crazy

"Yea, s-"

"I'm gay"

It took a while for Sunoo to figure out what he just heard from the cat-like guy who is currently pissing in his pants right now. After a couple of seconds, Sunoo then put on a jumbled face getting distant which made Jungwon pale as fuck.

While Jungwon was frozen in place looking like he just got his blood sucked by a dozen vampires, Sunoo was unfazed yet still confused.

'Oh my fucking God Jungwon what the hell did you just do. I knew this was a bad idea I hate myself-'

"Jungwon, I know?" Sunoo's response brought Jungwon back into existence

"Wait what?" A stunned Jungwon suddenly replaced the 'dead inside' Jungwon a while ago

"You know let's just talk about this another time, I'm really tired let's just get back and drop these off in the discussion room" Sunoo yawned then walked to the exit leaving a struck Wonnie behind, beside the escalator.

Jungwon has never been open about himself and his personal life not even to the closest people he'd take a bullet for, so it was quite a first for him to open up to someone particularly since he was opening up about his sexual preference.

But to his surprise, Sunoo caught up and figured out that he was gay without giving any hints or obvious statements, actions, or any homosexual-related deeds. But hey, at least he finally got to release some of his months of pent-up tension in him.

"Huh, that..went well"


"Where are we?" Sunghoon and Jay were located out of an outdoor store filled with chic, and expensive-looking articles of clothing put on mannequins and displayed on either a rack or stands.

"Burberry" Jay gave a confused gaze at the displayed suits while scrunching his face in dislike

As much as Sunghoon wanted to judge, he couldn't. Jay is a professional with these types of situations relating to fashion and clothing. He comes to school with the most eye-melting, dick-throbbing, pussy wettening, mouth-opening, cum obtaining outfits on an average Wednesday. He'd even mentor strangers on the streets on how to dress up the monstrosity of an outfit they've put on while full-on hate crimes against the person with 0 fucks or remorse for them. Heck, he would fix every fashion disaster he sees if he could.

On the contrary, Sunghoon puts on the first thing he sees in his closet and puts barely any effort into his clothes. It's like he isn't even bothered about how rich he is to the point he doesn't even realize he has the money to buy a new pair of underwear than wear the same blue underwear he has had since he was 13 years old. But not gonna lie, he still looks mighty scrumptious with his convenience store T-shirt and hand-me-down jeans from a former drug addict he bought in a thrift store with his made-in-china neon green glow-in-the-dark watch he got for less than what the cheapest item at a fast food chain and he probably didn't bother to change it's time. Yet, he can pull off anything in all honesty.

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