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My eyes glaze over

from the problem set

in front of me.

It literally makes

no sense to me


It's like looking

at a foreign language,

I swear.

Gritting my teeth in annoyance,

I dig the palm of my hands

into my eyes

in an attempt to wake myself up.

I've been working

on this assignment

for the past two days

and have made little to no progress.

I want to scream.

Throw my water bottle

across the room.

Smash my chair

into a window.

Rip out my hair.




I watch as the clock ticks by,

my leg bouncing

as I tap my pencil repetitively

on the desk.

8:12 pm.

I let out

an aggravated groan.

This assignment is due

in the morning.

And there is only one place

I know I can go to

to get help.

One place I swore to myself

I would avoid.

But if I turn in

another incomplete assignment,

I would be even more screwed.


| Hey y'all! I want to get to know my readers a bit more! In order to do so, I'll be including some questions at the end of various chapters. So, are you a writer? An artist? A creator?? Let me know in the comments!

With love,
XCrocusX |

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