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Our flight leaves tonight and last night was fucking rough. It was already a lot playing against Cassius's team and I won't forget the death glare he gave me all night long. Normally a win like that would have been amazing, but something about it almost felt wrong. I knew she was in the crowd, I felt her there before I found her next to Kenzie. I can always tell when she's around or close, it's been like that since the first time I ever saw her. It's crazy that even after time has passed she is still able to make me feel things that no one has ever been able to.

It's pretty rich coming from me when I was the one who fucked it all up. Busting through that door and seeing Reid holding her down while Colt had his disgusting paws all over her, still haunts me. She was out cold with a newly forming black away, a bloody nose and lip. I could see the hand print bruises forming on her arms and what other marks were on her body. Thank god they weren't able to.... her. We got there just in time and if it wasn't for her scream I don't know how much longer it would have taken to find her.

Carrying her small frame up to our room and having a doctor come and look her over. Seeing the bruises all over her stomach and ribs, her torn dress and panties... the thought still makes me sick. I never hated myself more than I did in that moment, knowing I could have prevented it. I should have taken the threatening messages more serious instead of thinking we were invincible. I knew I fucked up the moment I let her out of my sight alone and Jack did to.

I blamed myself for everything and when she did to... I knew there was no going back. It took all the strength I had in me to let her go because I didn't feel like I deserved her. I let her down one too many times and was so ashamed of myself. The worst part is that regretted the decision the second I walked out that front door and heard her yelling for me. I almost turned around but Jack texted me going off and I again, my shame got the best of me so I left.

I ignored her calls, but I listened to every voicemail and read every single message. I hated how badly I hurt her and all of the promises that I broke in doing so. I went home and ended up staying longer than I had planned to. I leaned on my mom, sister and friends until I decided to go back to school. I knew she wasn't going to return and I didn't blame her for it but seeing Jack and Kenzie made me feel like an awful person. They were once two of my closest friends and they couldn't even look in my direction. Practicing with Jack and Asher was also hard.

There weren't enough words to say that could take away the hurt and pain I had caused her. So, I spent the last couple years working my ass off for the Bruins after getting drafted. I also spent them trying to fuck her out of my system which clearly hasn't worked because no girl comes close to comparing to her. Seeing her in Mack Sawyer's jersey and then kissing him at the bar which had me seeing red. I wanted to rush over and punch him straight in the fucking face until I realized that I had no right at all to feel that way. I walked away from her and she has ever right to move on and be happy again even if it fucking kills me.

I decide to spend the day walking around the city. I've only been to Long Island a few times and never took time to explore. The guys are all hung over at the hotel after celebrating until three am and I took off right after seeing her kiss him. I knew that if I wanted to keep my cool and not make a scene that I had to leave, so I did. I ended up back at the hotel where I ordered in room service and watching movies until I fell asleep like the loner that I am.

I stop by this coffee shop that I read had great lattes and when I walk inside I'm met with the delicious aroma that's coffee and fresh baked goods. I order a muffin and peppermint latte and then step aside and wait for it to be ready. I check my phone and see the team group message going off about random shit, so I mute it for now. I look over where all of the tables are and see Feyre sitting with her laptop near a small table by the window. I stare at her in disbelief.

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