Home For The Holidays

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Finals came and went, not quick enough if you ask me though. We spent the two weeks leading up, studying none stop. I'm sure I got zero sleep and was fueled by coffee only because it's the only thing I drank besides the occasional water. Walking out of my last final felt absolutely amazing. I literally jumped for joy and had extra pep in my step walking off campus knowing that I won't be returning for like six weeks. The night before Storm and I left, we went out with all of our friends and celebrated finishing our last fall semester together.

We both packed ahead of time and were ready to leave the morning of. Jack drove us to the airport and it was a sad goodbye even though I would be seeing him soon enough. The flight to Washington wasn't all that bad, we both head headphones in and either slept or watched a movie. I was way to nervous and excited to get any sleep but Storm knocked out the second we left the ground and I was jealous. When he woke up a couple hours later, we ordered cocktails and got a little buzz going for the remainder of our flight.

About nine hours later we finally land and since we gained three hours, my mind is exhausted. I hold onto Storm's hand as we exit the plane and let him lead us through the airport to the baggage claim. We wait for our bags to get dropped and I lean against him, looking out the window at all of the snow falling down. I've never been to here before so my anxiety is all over the place and I keep praying that his mom and sister like me.

He grabs our bags when they finally drop onto the conveyer belt and we head out the exit. He checks his phone and we hear a car honking and look up. His mom pulls up in a beautiful Mercedes SUV and I instantly think damn, she has nice taste because sometimes I forget that she's a doctor and he comes from an affluent family since he's so humble and genuine. She pulls over to the curb and immediately gets out along with his sister who was in the front passenger side.

His mom is gorgeous, at five seven or so and very lean. She has his chocolate brown hair and grey eyes, she looks a lot younger for her age and has the most beautiful smile. His sister who's almost in college looks very similar, like an exact replica of their mom which makes me wonder what his dad looked like "We are so happy to finally meet you Feyre" she welcomes me with open arms, pulling me into a big hug.

I wrap my arms around her, and love her perfume "It's so nice to meet you Mrs...." she cuts me off with a grin.

"No need for that formality dear, please call me Simone" I smile back at her.

"It's nice to finally meet you Simone, I've heard so much" she lightly squeezes my arm.

Storm has a grin on his face "Fey this is my sister Noel" she's gorgeous is my first thought.

"It's nice to meet you Feyre" she hugs me as well.

My face hurts from smiling so much "It's nice to meet you to, I love your name" I notice her cheeks flush.

"Alright Stormy, load the bags in the back and let's get out of the cold" He takes my suitcase, along with his and load them into the trunk.

I climb into the back seat and Noel follows behind me. Storm takes the front passenger seat and the whole car ride they ask me questions and we make of Storm. His mom goes out of her way to tell me embarrassing stories just to get a reaction from him and it's hilarious. I love that I already feel at home with them and I only just got here.

We stop in town to grab dinner and this nice barbeque restaurant where I continue to get to know them better. I ask Simone about her job and Noel about her boyfriend and what colleges she's applied to. They ask more about us and how we met, Storm tells them how his hockey season is going and I talk more about my major and what I want to do after graduation. The food is to die for, like literally the best barbeque I've ever had.

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