Missing You

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I head home tomorrow and I feel like a little kid right before Christmas. I can't wait to see her, regardless of how late I get in I'm going right to her apartment from the airport. We both fell asleep talking on the phone last night, it was cute. I woke up not long after and heard her light snores through the line so I hung up and sent her a good night text. Tonight I'm going out with the guys again to one of the only fun bars in town that we didn't go to on our first night back.

Fey texted me earlier letting me know that she's meeting up with Reid today. It was supposed to be lunch, but got conveniently rescheduled to dinner smart guy. She also told me how it was seeing her ex's parents and about the photos in her room, my heart hurts for her. She not only last a dad that she didn't even know but her boyfriend as well. She's gone through so much pain and loss, but has remained so strong and loving in spite of it all.

She got a little emotional with me on the phone last night about the guilt that she sometimes feels when she's with me. Like she's betraying and hurting him, but her mom and her had a good talk and it helped her see it a little differently. I'm grateful that she has such an incredible mom, she reminds me a lot of mine. I never want her to think I'm trying to replace him or anything and I made that clear but she already knew. I just hate seeing her sad and hearing her cry when I'm not around to hold her and make her feel better.

My mom and sister sat me down and gave me the third degree. Asking a million questions about her and us, which led me to explaining our entire story. I showed them pictures of her and they both gushed about how beautiful she is. The same basically happened when I hung out with guys on my first night here. They couldn't believe that I finally decided to settle down but once I showed them her picture they quickly changed their minds.

Alden and his fiancé, Olivia pick me up around six and we head downtown. Our downtown area is something you would see in a Hallmark movie, it's quaint and small but really nice. We pull up to Karl's and head inside, snagging one of the last pool tables available. Jamie and River show up with some girls, they grab pitchers of beer at the bar. I talk with Olivia at the table, getting the scoop on their wedding plans and she asks more about Feyre.

I check my phone and haven't heard back from Fey in an hour or so. I go on Instagram and see that she recently posted on her story, when I click it I see a video of her ice skating. I immediately get annoyed because of course their dinner led them to fucking ice skate. Olivia laughs at my expression "What?" I ask a little more rude than intend but she doesn't seem to mind.

"Did you see something you didn't like?" she asks sweetly.

"Fey's hanging with a friend from college... a guy. They went to dinner and now they're ice skating and I don't know. It bothers me" I admit shamefully.

"Do you trust her?" is her only question.

"With my life" I say honestly.

"Then you have nothing to worry about. From what you've told us, it seems like she is just as crazy about you as you are of her. Let her enjoy herself because deep down she's wishing you were the one with her instead" she says with a smile.

"Thank you, you're right. Plus, Reid knows I would kill him" I say half joking and she cracks up.

"You sound just like Alden" speaking of... he comes over with shots.

"He sounds like me?" he asks and sets the shots down in front of us.

"I thought it was going to be a chill night" I say with a pointed look and he gives me an evil grin.

"Cheers to our last night" we each grab one and clank them together before drinking them back.

River and Jamie set the pitchers and glasses down, the girls that are with them take a seat around the table. One of the brunettes keeps checking me out but I don't pay her any attention because little does she know I'm not interested. If this was a year or two ago then of course I would be down, she's gorgeous but things are different now... I'm different.

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