it is real.💌

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this was a request from cristinina1234, i hope you like it <3

Me and Y/n have been dating for almost a year now, and I fucking love her. I love her eyes, her personality, her vibe, her hair, her style, she's just perfect. We always do everything together like going to parties or going to the mall and we work perfectly with each other. 

Me and Y/n got invited to a party, but Y/n was busy until 7pm so she would be coming late. The party was from 5pm till 12am, so Matt and I left at 4:50. When we got there, it was jam-packed with a ton of people. There was a load of couples hanging around here and there, there was a group of guys, all of them wearing black and drinking. There was a group of girls that were all flirting with a guy as well, but the guy seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the attention. 

"Matt! D'you wanna play air hockey with us?" A couple of guys yelled, beckoning Matt over. 

"Hey, I'll see you later then." He says, walking away. I nod at him and look around. I go to the kitchen and grab a pepsi to drink. While I'm there, a girl comes up to me. She's about my height, and she's wearing an uncomfortably short red dress. 

"Hey handsome." She giggled, twirling her hair around her finger, stroking my arm. 

"Um, hey?" I reply, trying to back away. 

"Wanna dance with me?" She asks, batting her eyes innocently. I didn't think much of it and accepted her offer. A couple of her friends started hyping us up, but I ignored it and just danced with her. 

We had been dancing for a couple of minutes, and I didn't realise but she kept coming closer and closer, until she pulled me in for a kiss. She fully forced me into it, and the more I tried to pull away, the more passionate and close she made it. 

"Chris, what the fuck?" I shove the girl and look up to see Y/n standing there, her eyes full of tears and Matt behind her. 

"Y/n, wait, I can explain-" I tried to get her attention again, but it was too late. She had already ran out, not caring about what anyone had to say.

"Mate, what the fuck just happened..." Matt said, trailing off. 

"Handsome, come on let's go to a room." the girl pulled at my arm, stroking my face with a finger. I look at Matt for help.

"Fuck off." He said simply and she rolled her eyes and left.

"That bitch fucking made me, I thought we were just gonna dance for shit but she took it far." I ramble.

"Way too far." Matt sighed. 

"Well, where did she go?" I ask nervously. 

"I think she went home, I saw her car driving away." Matt says, checking his phone. 

"Let's go home as well then-" I start but Matt cuts me off.

"Chris, just give her some time, alright? I'll promise that we can sort this out tomorrow." Matt says and smiles. He goes back to his friends and I go to get another pepsi. 


"Chris! Wake the fuck up! Where is Y/N!?!?!" Nick yells at me, smashing a pillow on my head.

"NICK!" I shout to stop him and he does. Matt also comes in to my room and they both sit down on my bed.

"WHERE IS Y/N?" Nick shouts again. 

"Oh my fucking god, Nick we don't know. We thought she would come home here but I guess not." Matt says to him and I check my phone. I hadn't looked at any notifications I had got since before the party yesterday. 



enjoy the party loser  
sent 5:23pm



y/n's here, where r u?
sent 7:02pm


My love <3

chris, i love you, but i realise, you don't feel the same. it's just not worth it anymore.
sent 12:48am


"Matt, we need to go to Y/n's apartment. Right now." I say, my face showing panic.

"What is it-" Matt asks nervously but I cut him off.

"Let's just go."  Matt nods and him and Nick go to put their shoes on. I get out of bed and throw on a hoodie, and then quickly put on a pair of shoes. I grab my phone and get in the car, where Matt and Nick are already waiting. We drive to Y/n's apartment in silence, and when we get there, we jump out of the car. We get into the building, but when we get to Y/n's floor, the door's already ajar. 

"Should we go in?" Nick asks, as if that's even a question for the current situation. I ignore him and just go in, and look at the place. It seems pretty normal, except that there was multiple knives missing from the kitchen and when I went to the bathroom, there was blood on the floor and sink, and there was razors and knives everywhere. Me, Matt and Nick all look at each other, and we have the same thought.

"But where is she?" Matt asks as me and Nick continue to look around the bedroom. Eventually, I find an ID card for a medical nurse from the ER, so I assumed that someone must have already came by and called an ambulance. 

"Matt, let's go to the hospital." 

part 2 anyone?

~chris sturniolo imagines~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ